I Have MedicineCh15 - The Gongyi Clan


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Translator's Note

口诛笔伐 – Kou zhu bi fa, to condemn in speech and in writing.

Translator's Note

虎啸龙腾 – Hu xiao long teng, derived from 虎啸龙吟, which is the cries of tigers and dragons.

Translator's Note

一斑 – Yi ban, literally one spot (on a leopard), or a piece of a greater whole.

Translator's Note

滚瓜烂熟 – Gun gua lan shu, ripe as a melon that rolls off its vine, an idiom that means to know something fluently.

Translator's Note

笨鸟先飞 – Ben niao xian fei, an idiom meaning to work hard to compensate for one’s limited abilities. In other words, a stupid bird must work harder and longer to catch a worm.

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  1. A new chapter already! Thanks!

    As for the censored words that are like this □□ in this chapter, the missing characters should be 长枪.

  2. Thank you for the chapter (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

  3. Regarding footnote 2, actually that line translates more like: "It truly is the eldest young master. Don't just focus on his inability to cultivate, he's a person that's been praised by even His Imperial Majesty!"

    GYTH is truly lucky that he's the male lead of a romance story, and not the protagonist of a vengeance story, lol. Or else his standing in the family might not be all that great in order to fulfill the typical waste-rising-in-revenge cliche.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Gu Zuo is so cute. Thank you for the update!!

  5. (Trying out the name/url comment option instead of the google one that keeps marking me down as Unknown…)

    I think it's buried under the comments somewhere, but the author once mentioned that if GZ had not existed in the setting, the setting would probably have become a harem story with GYTH as the protagonist. But since GZ is there, all those female characters get to live their own lives instead of hopelessly falling for Mr. Perfect.

  6. This ML. Yes GT, slap them. Slap them silly! I love him! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

  7. I’m just imagining how cute MC is following the ML like a duckling. Can’t wait for the translated chapters further on. Lol! 😍😍😍

  8. Spacing out at family gatherings bc of how gay u r…… Relatable

  9. Thanks for the chapter 😀

    A few edits; reigns should be reins, and distain should definitely be disdain.