I Have MedicineCh13 - Gu Zuo’s Value


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Translator's Note

酝酿 – Yun niang, to brew or ferment. It can also mean (for an idea) to be shelved or to be put on hold.

Translator's Note

铺天盖地 – Pu tian gai di, hiding the sky and covering the earth, an idiom meaning earth-shattering or overwhelming.

Translator's Note

点赞好了 – Dian zan hao le, to give a like or up-vote on media sites like Facebook.

Translator's Note

什么鬼 – Shen me gui, used in response to something bewildering.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter 😀 lol Gu Zuo is OP af xD

  2. Great job on the new chapter!

    Blackhole… with milky white snakes swimming around… am I the only one whose mind immediately went to the gutter there? =P

    BTW, in that scene were GYTH was testing the healing pills on his guards, you might want to make it clear somewhere that each guard had a different injury. As in, one had injured meridians, one had flesh injury, one had broken bones, one had internal injuries, etc. The point of that purposes was to observe how the pill performed on the different types of injuries.

  3. Why I keep thinking you xiaomo from legendary master wife lol so qullible lol another power couple in making