I Have MedicineCh12 - A Terrifying Medicinal Pill


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Translator's Note

天地之气 – Tian di zhi qi, the qi of heaven and earth. I’ve been translating it word for word before, but it’s such a hassle. From now on, I’ll be using “ambient qi” instead.

Translator's Note

穴窍 – Xue (acupuncture point) qiao (hole, orifice), not sure about a direct translation, so I just used “acupoint” as a generalization to keep it separate from actual references to acupuncture points.

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  1. I love this series and your translations so much!

    Hehe no need to calculate so clearly. In the end, won't you 2 be sharing the same account? XD

    Happy holidays!

  2. Happy Holidays and thank for the chapter! <3

  3. Glad to see another chapter! May the translator continue to work hard [/system] =)

    Regarding footnote 1, I am 99% sure that Gu Zuo never went to a boarding school before. Not sure that China even has boarding schools aside from the military type. Without getting too spoilery, Gu Zuo's dad has been essentially semi-in-hiding with him for the past 7 years. So the chances are very small that Gu Qi would let his baby out of sight for long periods of time.

    So in the story, GZ is comparing his new living arrangements to living in a college dorm.

  4. Thanks for the chapter and happy holidays~ 😀

  5. I'm really liking this couple. Though one is slightly naïve from not having much knowledge on a cultivation world, the other still treats him well.

  6. Aaah, I love him again. He’s just a silly rabbit isn’t he? Awww.

  7. Interesting so far 😀 Ty for translating :), how he got into that place was a bit silly though lol but what can a clueless teen do when you really think about it…

  8. T/N Thank you very much for the explanation, I read that 3 times and still couldn’t understand it. 😤😢😭😤😢😭 Brain too tired….. …. btw thanks for the update and the hard work writing and translating all the time and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU .

  9. Tianheng laughed: “He deserves this price. In the future, he’ll be worth even more.”

    Hohoh~~ of course, he’s worth to be your wife after all, surely he’s very precious


  10. Estoy muy agradecido por su traducción. Realmente aprecio el esfuerzo que has hecho y no te rindas. Estoy leyendo de nuevo estos primeros capítulos y me encuentro con diferentes términos. Así que realmente aprecio que lo hayas señalado en las notas de los capítulos anteriores. Para no tener dudas y llevarnos sorpresas. También me alegra mucho que des estas advertencias antes de los capítulos, son de mucha ayuda. Y me gusta que expliques las cosas tan bien. Cómo es esta nota, al final de este capítulo. Me costó mucho entender lo que estaba pasando, así que agradecería mucho que me lo explicaras. Gracias por su arduo trabajo.