I Have MedicineCh128 - Faced With Obstinance


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Translator's Note

见猎心喜 – Jian lie xin xi, when seeing others go hunting, one is excited by the memories of the thrill of the hunt.

Translator's Note

吹胡子瞪眼 – Chui hu zi deng yang, to puff one’s beard and glare at someone.

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  1. My gravy! Someone slap this Elder Li!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

    Who is making him sabotage my family’s Ah Zuo’s hubby?! Grrrr😠😡😠😡😠

    Thanks for the update.

  2. That Elder Li almost made me cough blood. So aggravating! I hope he gets face slapped hard soon!

    Congrats to GYTH in entering the inner sect~ 👏

  3. Thank you for the chapter.

    And best wishes in your endeavours.

  4. This Elder Li is kind of dumb – he stuck out his neck by trying to prevent Tianheng from entering the inner sect, but hadn’t bothered to find out what kind of backing GYTH has and what strengths he possesses. Now Elder Hu and the inner sect disciples won’t let him get away with it – serves him right!

    Thank you for the translation and good luck with your studies! ❤

  5. These people suck at math. They should’ve realized by the second gate results that Li didn’t give enough points for GYTH to pass. =P

    Translation notes:

    This one also has a month before turning twenty. –> has over a month before

    As a matter of fact, Elder Hu was only making accommodations. Was it not just having them stand on the side? –> Just like this, wasn’t Elder Hu making accommodations, standing on their side?

    Each wooden figure had the strength of Xiantian stage one and could form a five person troop. –> and could form a five-person formation (or array).

    Setting everything against them — Even if it was only a few roadblocks or offending a few people, it wouldn’t be smooth sailing… –> Setting everyting against them — Didn’t this mean they would make life difficult for anyone who offered even a minor roadblock to them…

    Gu Zuo thought about it from different angles, but he didn’t expect that the way of solving this was to continue watching. –> GZ thought about it from different angles but couldn’t find a solution, so he could only continue watching.

    For matters up to this point, Elder Hu hadn’t been able to go over and halt the test. –> Since matters had already progressed to this point…

  6. Thanks for the chapter and good luck in school!

  7. Thank you for the update. Patiently waiting for the next one ☝🏻 💙