I Have MedicineCh114 - Tianheng Responds


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Translator's Note

母猪都能上树了 – Literally, all sows could climb trees.

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  1. Tsk. What a despicable excuse of a human being. I don’t even want to call him an animal of any sort because that would be an insult to that animal! (`皿´#)

  2. Ohhhh. A fight~~~🥊🥊🥊🥊

    GZ, go show your skills and heal that poor victim! 😎😎😎😎

    Thanks for the update!

    (P.S. How to avoid double line space in the comments?) 😅😅😅

  3. So the young masters are on the side of justice facing the stereotype evil petty guy. =P

    Translation Suggestions:

    For the title, I would suggest “Tianheng Acts” or “Responds” or something like that.

    However, the matter of coming to the rescue was proposed by Gongyi Tianheng and them. –> …rescue had been discussed between GYTH and them.

    When he listened to You Jiong berating Cang Yu, his eyes flashed with worry. –> He (GZ) could clearly see that when You Jiong berated Cang Yu, his (YJ’s) eyes flashed with worry.

    He felt that only with his big brother Gongyi Tianheng, this kind of person, would he scale the summit of the martial way in the future. –> He felt that only someone like his big brother GYTH could eventually scale the summit of the martial way.

    En, after saving that Kang Wenhong, perhaps he could become even stronger later on –> En, that Kang Wenhong, after being saved, could perhaps grow stronger later on.

    …who knew if these people would simply kill him or hand him over to the Earth Ghosts that filled this mountain? –> would simply kill him and blame it on the Earth Ghosts…

    Better not agree… To avoid… –> You should agree…

    he needed to switch places. And once he switched places –> he needed to change motions, and one he changed… (referring to 招数, which is a “move” in martial arts)

  4. …why not kill this obviously evil asshole? To set up some later shenanigans? This author is baffling. I’m honestly shocked (not really, ymmv) this novel has such a high rating.