It's Easy to Take Care of a Live-in Hero!Ch55.1 - Extra 4 – Mister Purple and I (5)

Editor: con

After that, I lived happily next to Mister Purple. G0sN4P

It was unfortunate that he couldn’t understand my words, but I was satisfied because my feelings seemed to be transmitted to him somehow.

The forest was calm and full of light as usual. The number of times I encountered animals lessened, but I didn’t really feel that lonely.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

My only complaint was about me and Mister Purple.

To make it short, he was very gentlemanly. He gave me lots of gifts. I also felt that he really liked me. aEz iZ

But that was it.

Even if he brought me to his bed, nothing happened. We were still in a clean relationship.

“This forest is all of me. I want to protect you.”

Even if he confessed so passionately, he wouldn’t touch even a hair on my head in that sense. He could stroke my ear and sometimes give me a gentle hug, but that was it.

ny IlU

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was tantalizing.

“…P vbc’a atlcx atja *** jgf j vfragemalnf gjmf. *** lr j ibnlcu mgfjaegf, pera ilxf er. Pa gjlrfv wf ktfc P kjr ralii j yjys.”

Zlrafg Uegqif ajixfv j iba atfrf vjsr. Lf lcnlafv wf ab tlr yfv jcv ajixfv jr kf raemx ab fjmt batfg.

Ktfgf kfgf wjcs kbgvr atja P mbeivc’a ecvfgrajcv. Lt BDZ

“I thought that if everyone realized that, the war would end soon.”

I didn’t understand what he was saying, because my whole world and all I knew, was this forest.

Still, I could feel that Mister Purple was suffering, and whenever that happened, I would kiss his fingertips.

Cheer up, I’m here with you. lFzdMu

“My Mi… Why can’t everyone live like you? Not wanting for much, and not hurting anything.”

Mister Purple was glorifying me. Even I fought if I needed to do so to survive, and I also ate some nasty food.

Remembering the meals I’d had in the last few days, I turned, his big hand wrapped around me softly. I closed my eyes in the warmth, dozing off.

Mister Purple, I was always ready to go, you know. PezEmW

“Touching you warms the depth of my heart. It makes me relieved.”

…My feelings didn’t reach him today either.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He pressed his forehead to mine and gently rubbed them together. Even that small action made my chest thud. Breathing in deep, I enjoyed his scent.

Mister Purple always smelt like a refreshing forest. fA71Ka

When I cooed in pleasure, Mister Purple gave a short sigh. “No good, I can’t endure this anymore.”



At last, had this day finally arrived? Y7CZbL

Still with his gentlemanly attitude, Mister Purple looked down at me from right above. His eyes were enchanting in their colours, and somewhere in the back of my mind I wanted to jump up and take a bite out of them.

His face lowered towards me at last. His purple eyes were closed―

And he just buried his face in my stomach.

“…Mister Purple?” GUiEkn

“Yeah… It’s warm and also super soft. It’s more comfortable than I’d imagined.”


Too cruel. Were those the words he should say while burying his face in someone’s belly?

It was as if my tummy had plenty of flab… aQGAh9

No, it was definitely not that. The skin that covered my tummy was just stretchy enough!

Ahh, don’t rub my tummy with your nose. It’s ticklish…!

Nothing more wonderful could happen, so I offered my tummy to him until he was satisfied.

Afterwards, I was angry for a long time. axCILu

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Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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