I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Ch51 - Shackles


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  1. Hide and seek… not good in the house of death. Norton may now start figuring out some important things about his son. Thanks for the update ❤️❤️❤️

  2. OK I think our little prince has some unresolved trauma… it’s one thing to be bad at fighting or not wanting to hurt someone. It’s a whole other thing for you to have the knowledge on how to fight then just shut down when it’s time it initiate. That his brother is the only person who can teach him feels to me like he doesn’t have a problem fighting, but a problem HOLDING BACK so that whoever he is fighting doesn’t wind up a smear on a wall. We all saw what he did to the pirate after all, if his daddy’s bloodline sees that as normal training behavior then maybe the little prince has trained himself to just take the beating outside of life or death situations?
    • +1

      It could be the same as with his psychic meltdown, contrary to other Grantz who straight up destroy everything around them, Ye Muo just contains it within himself with cuts everywhere. As to fighting, might be something his body does unconsciously since he was toddler where fighting=other is dead. Add that to his gentle nature and unless it’s life-or-death against a villain he won’t fight back, just contain everything though he probably knows how to in theory (and is well capable of, like he did with the pirates). After a whole lifetime like that it just becomes an engrained sparing habit that won’t disappear just by changing his training partner to a Grantz.

  3. noo our baby ye muo is too confused!!! Dad please 😅 test first our baby’s physical performance 😂🤣

  4. When I saw the chapter title I figured that it meant Ye Muo’s mental shackles that he’s applied that keep him from fighting at full strength. I was hoping that Norton had figured out a little more about how “special” (aka normal, by non-Grantz standards) his kid is. But no … Ye Muo just managed to find an actual, physical set of shackles. With blood on them, for added trauma. This kid’s a doom magnet.