I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Ch50 - Secret


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  1. I’m reading this so early out of excitement! Hopefully, they would realize Ye Muo is not that happy because he have playmates, but because his playmate is his brother.

  2. I’m very eager to see Norton and Ano’s reaction about Ye Muo’s avoidance to combat class, as well! And also wishing for Ye Muo to finally have a big garden!

    • Yes yes! Give ye muo his garden and plants! I wonder, ye muo seemed to be good at combat right? I hope that maybe he can learn it in his way other than just beat or be beaten up badly.

    • I mean, besides Ye Yun, even Augustus knows from when Ye MUO stayed at his house that he isn’t that fond of or particularly excellent at combat

      (Although he’s not bad either, otherwise he wouldn’t have done so well against the pirates during the training gone wrong. Especially while his psychic power started going a little haywire before going off the battleship)

    • I’m hoping Ye Yun has the balls to ask Norton (or at least Ano) about why they haven’t given Ye Muo a garden yet. It seems like the type of thing he’d do.

  3. Maybe having his brother there will give him the courage to ask about a garden and talk about combat issues, ahem. The older Grantzs may not understand either need. Thanks for the update 🤣❤️🤣❤️

  4. Thanks for the chapter! Even a cute little bunny has teeth and paws to use as weapons little one, so learning how to defend yourself from the nasty bugs is a good thing. Just take it easy…