Holding Onto My ManChapter 61


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Translator's Note

随口[suí kǒu] – blurt out whatever comes into one’s head/(speak) without thinking the matter through

Translator's Note

苏煜 –
苏 = has various meanings but commonly used as a surname
煜 = brilliant; glorious

Translator's Note

大哥 = dà gē, it means: eldest brother; big brother (in a more polite manner, this is what a man would address another of around the same age as oneself), gang leader, or Boss

Translator's Note

My original mtl: “I’ll give my heart to you, what do you think of it?”. ZWYtwL

Callis’ literal translation help: how do you feel about ‘devoting your whole self to something’? Or it could be ‘agreeing to marry’. ‘Willingly having sexual relations with your SO’ (SO = Significant Other)


Callis: “wanna smash”

Sleepchaser: want a piece of this ass 8295xQ

“How do you feel about making me miso soup every day”

Callis: “I’ll repay you by devoting my body to you”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mina: This could go many ways but with how shameless Gu Bai is he probably meant “how about some snusnu as repayment?”

Evan: I agree with all of these answers hehe

Translator's Note

现原形[xiàn yuán xíng] – show oneself [be exposed; be revealed; come out] in one’s true colours; show the (cloven) hoof; reveal one’s true feathers [countenance]; throw off [drop; lift; raise; remove; shed off] the mask; get unmasked

Translator's Note

Lao Zi

Translator's Note

So from what i got from “become refined” was that they couldn’t grow more powerful since the day of age has changed and is more stricter? Poor choice of words I used I know and sorry if it confused anyone

Translator's Note

sound effect of someone clicking their tongue

Translator's Note

老子 Lao Zi = father, daddy, “I, you father” (in anger, or out of contempt) I (used arrogantly or jocularly)

Translator's Note

老子 – Lao Zi

Translator's Note

老子 – Lao Zi

Translator's Note

sleepchaser: 说一不二 means “if he says it’s 1, then it’s 1. It won’t be 2” that kind of feeling, which I called “frankly”
Cat: changed “frankly” to “bluntly” instead since chaser said “frankly” was a poor word choice.

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  1. That went from 0-100 real quick. Seems likes the apocalypse has already begun. Also when GB’s mouth bumped into the ML’s crotch I couldn’t stop laughing picturing it.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Seeing Gu Bai have to beg ML so much hurts my heart. Keep your man you cold bastard!

  3. YOw I didn’t even know it was an apocalyptic arc! What a pleasant surprise! like like like!

  4. Bro, this did seem like a confusing chapter to translate. You managed to convey everything beautifully, but the struggle…….I bet it was real 😔

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  5. Finally, the zombie apocalypse arc!!


  6. Entonces, qué pasó en este mundo originalmente con el tono original del ML, porque sí el guardaespaldas fué mordido, entonces pudo haber sido atacado.

    En cuanto a la habilidad que tenían el SY original, ¿qué tanto fue la era adorado por todos ?, pero ¿un chico vendido y violado por muchos hombres que querían salvar el mundo ?, tengo mis dudas, ¿será el SY original usó su don para hacer cosas malas? y por eso GB no tiene recuerdos del original ??


  7. I completely forgot this was a zombie apocalypse arc… Haha

    Thank you for the chapter!

  8. Thank ypu for the chapter!

    GB’s holding to golden thigh skill went up by 100 🤣

    Also Zombie Apocalypse already?

    (Hmmmmm, I suspect that the one targeting SY has something to do with the Apocalypse because this time I feel like it was too soon…)

  9. Zombie (((o(゚▽゚)o))) ψ(`∇´)ψ

    Thank you for the chapter ╰(*´︶`*)╯🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

  10. I don’t really like bloody scenes but I can help loving interaction between MC and ML

    Thank you for this chapter

  11. This is the best beginning of an arc ever. First losing the plot, and then being surprised that it’s an apocalypse theme arc. (If you didn’t read the arc title in the summary page) Whew intense!! 😍

  12. As soon as I heard “rabid maniac” I got that “reincarnated before the zombie apocalypse happened” vibe and I was like- oh shoot it’s an apocalypse world isn’t it?

  13. Well if the hand star crawling by itself, the author has watched the same crapy old zombie movies as me. I can’t remember the name but the MC chopped his hand and the hand runs away…later the hand comes back for revenge hahaha.

    Thanks for all your work translating.

  14. That crotch kissing got me hollering with laughter lmao

    And Thank you very much for all your hard work,Translator sama ❤❤❤

  15. THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME! Especially because he doesn’t know the plot. I won’t lie I kind of hope he figures it out though because I worry for him especially because he doesn’t know the person’s wish.

  16. I don’t like this theme(´。_。`)

  17. Jesus that driver is tough. Maybe he dulled the pain with pressure points? He might just be a bad bitty though 🤷‍♀️

  18. ….now i get why its an apocalypse.

    Translator note on devoting his life to ml conversation is funny😂👍

  19. this chapter is wild lol started out with a naughty GB flirting with the ML and ended with zombies and a dismembered hand (๑•﹏•)