Holding Onto My ManChapter 46


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  1. Wuwuwuwuwuwu so beautiful! Public confession! A major face slap! I wonder if ML recovered his memories that’s why he’s a loyal dog now to MC 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    I also love the demon sect 😍😍😍😍 they’re too funny 😂😂😂😂

  2. I MTL-ed it, but honestly MTL-ing this arc especially is hard to understand (mostly because of those chat names).

    I really like this novel, so am very thankful that CG is willing to translate it.Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I also want to say thank you so much for picking this novel! I’m glad I can see this novel again and thank you for all of the translators hard work! ❤❤

    Most of my favorite novel are here and I’m feel blessed because every translators on this site really passionate with their work!

    Glad to know this site! ❤❤

    I suddenly have a guess about the ML identity in this world.

    And I will laugh so hard if my guess is right!

    Kinda suspicious about the ML real job is being the developer of that game….

    Thank you for the update! ❤❤

  4. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    This was so funny!!!!

    The twist in plot-san is just hilarious!!!

    Thank you for the chapter update! 👍💕

  5. Omg, the ML in this world loves how evil and cunning Gu Bai is, lmao 😆

    Can’t wait what happens next! (Even tho I already MTLed this 🤣)

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  6. Extremely grateful that this was rescued from MTL.

    *runs around screaming*


  7. The MTL poacher’s version of these chapters were so ❓ because of the names lol. Government Certified Little Tsundere is such a good username lol too bad it wouldn’t work in English because of character limit…

    ML, you need to kiss Gu Bai in real life! Then he will be your clingy wife~

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Thank you and the team for continuing this translation <3

  9. Thank you for the chapter! I like the quality of your translations so time didn’t matter my loyalty wasn’t tested and I was willing to wait. I was worried you would drop when the other people picked it up so it is definitely good that more translators decided to help out on this story. Being able to read it more frequently really feels like a blessing tho.😂💕🙏

  10. Thank you so much for translating these chapters 😀 😀 😀

  11. /pat pat Dan-dan sama! Even if the updates were less frequent, we’ll stick with you. Your translation quality is soooo much better than theirs. We’ll have to be brain-dead to run over there to read. Gawd, he said he’ll spank him in public!!! I can’t anymore. Hahahaha. Thanks for the chapter 😊 😍

  12. I like translation here. Thank you dandan, evan and all chrysanthemum garden team 😄

    This chapter is really funny 😂 why the sudden attraction though? 🤔

  13. thanks for the update….ML of this novel is really shameless and persistent…but it’s said shameless people get the girl, In this case the guy….😅

  14. [Demon] Winner Is King: Picking a fight? How dare you fight with our boss? I can deal with you!

    [Demon] Loser Warms the Bed: Winner, don’t be so impulsive, come roll over here!

    [Demon] Winner Is King: Yes, babe…

    Accck couples of demon sect are so damn cute too

  15. Killing a secret boss like eating cabbage….

  16. Gu Bai: Σ(⊙ω⊙) I didn’t even hug this thigh!!!

    Qianmo: You will hug this thigh whether you like it or not! (Domineering.jpg)

  17. thankyou for the chaps!! im so delighted that someone pick this novel up, i really want to readthis a long time ago since the deacription interests me but it doesnt have a english translation so i just reluctantly keep it aside, but anyways thankyou for picking this up translator!! 💓