Holding Onto My ManChapter 45


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  1. Ohohoho, claiming in front of public. Classic. Back to demon sect leader I see OwO)b

    thank you for the update~

  2. Could it be Gu Bai incited ML’s vinegar and so ML claimed ownership of him in front of everybody? 😂😂😂😂 i knew it he will kiss MC!!!! SWEEEEEEET 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 MORE MORE MORE!!!!

  3. Gahahaha! I wanna marry Shanggyuan Yu!!! She’s such a sass machine!! Is it weird if I like her more than the real Gu Bai? He’s so boring lmao. Thanks for the chapter 😊

  4. 😈😳

    Thank you for yet another update. The team is churning them out so quickly!

  5. Is that a side CP I see. 🧐 Hmm…if he is ML, I don’t think virtual kisses would be able to do that soul resonance thing, Gu Bai might freak out…

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Hm…..I’m more interested in ‘Winner Is King’ and ‘Loser Warms The Bed’…🧐😆

    Thanks so much for the chapter~! 😆😆

  7. 1,000% awesome. XD XD XD


  8. ajajaja el esposo vino a recoger a la esposa, sí o sí jajajajaja. Mientras tanto, qué pasará con el hermano mayor que está enamorado del menor y le ha confundido con esa pequeña perra de té verde?

  9. “[Demon] Qianmo Pei: Lift your head up.”

    Me: eating popcorn hmm take his waist and kiss?

    “Then the next moment, his waist was held by the other person, and the game character of Qianmo Pei kissed him.”

    Me: (⊙o⊙)

    “Gu Bai: (⊙o⊙)Dumbstruck!!!!”

  10. The two people flirting at the end of chapter really steal the scene. Ha ha ha. I like it when THZ feeling try to hide at the corner, so cute just like an innocent child.

  11. That “Loser Warms the Bed” and “Winner is King” must be reversible cp that decide their position with games 🤣🤣. The demon players handle name and convo were so funny!

  12. Second last line – “[Demon] Loser Warms the Bed: Roll….”

    Just wanted to ask if the “Roll” was originally “滚”?

    If so, might make more sense to translate it as “scram” instead :O