Holding Onto My ManChapter 44


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Translator's Note

nickname to describe an ugly girl

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    • Ikrrr?! The whole time I was like, you idiot! Go to your side account and apologize!! But nahh, he doesn’t, so infuriating I’ll get blood pressure!

    • I’m hoping that because GB doesn’t immediately expose the situation it will later become a really big issue that the female lead cannot possibly come back from like so bad that everyone is disgusted with her.🤭

    • But Gu Bai doesn’t know that Tang Linyi belives that Song Xianxun is him …I think 🤔

    • GB already said he doesn’t want to bother himself with TLY anymore and thus won’t be playing with his side acc again. Also, GB is in the dark that somebody acted as him, most irritating was that it was the bitch. And thus GB can’t clarify. This is the ‘fate’ for the protagonists to meet.

    • I thought so too but he doesn’t know Song Xianxun is pretending to be him. I mean, it takes a pretty big brainhole to imagine that she just happened to pass by when he stood Tang Linyi up and the usually dimwitted virtuous bitch was smart enough to pretend to be her. But yeah, it would have been great if he was shameless and pretended to be hurt and questioned him with his side account.

    • I think it had much to do with later on how to show himself as innocent to this brother. He obviously wanted to play the part where he is just hoping to play as friend and frightened by his brother confession. I think Gu Bai then later planned for the brother to fall for him yet realised Gu Bai wanted to be closer as brother lol. This is to avoid his family hating him and that slander for his reputation (after all ori host didn’t request his feelings to be revealed). If he suddenly question him getting married in GL then later when everything revealed he will come off as jealous and everything will spiral like before. There is already no point in apologizing for not showing up or demand explanation for the quick moving on, since Gu Bai main obj had failed which is to make Tang Linyi to never come into contact with b*tch in the game. So now he had t9 start from beginning lol. Time for ML to shine I guess, his been hiding obediently 😂.
  1. Why didn’t gu bai log i again to his side account and said that he just received the message and didn’t come to the meeting place. Maybe it’ll show tang linyi the real face if his goddess

    • If it’s exposed right away she can act cute and apologize like “I know I did a bad thing but you also mistook me and I really like you so I didn’t want you to hate me blah blah” winning sympathy, its good if the relationship progresses and he later realizes it was all built on a lie….. (ferment the betrayal to make the taste stronger)😈👍

    • GB already said he doesn’t want to bother himself with TLY anymore and thus won’t be playing with his side acc again. Also, GB is in the dark that somebody acted as him, most irritating was that it was the bitch. And thus GB can’t clarify. This is the ‘fate’ for the protagonists to meet.

  2. Wow, I’m surprised Tang Linyi still ended up with the FL. Maybe this is fate?

    Thanks for translating!

  3. damn it!! if i knew this is going to be this exciting i’d wait for chapters to pile up and then read it, now i’ll just bite my handkerchief in waiting uwuwu 😤

  4. Ah what a good chapter,, thank you translator ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    I agree with all the other comments, why didn’t gu bai just lig into his side account and at least be like “so your so called love for me was nothing?” The again that would be kinda awkward to do… ah well, hopefully it escalates so much that when he finds out it’s not gu bai he’s been dating this whole time he’ll do something drastic and mean to song whatever her name is.. ah,, when will gu bai meet his lover in this world? The last world he was in was so cute how he was so loving with them, I couldn’t help but cry… so meng! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) \(//∇//)\

  5. So they manhunt GB’s real acc. Wow… what a pretentious bitch.

    Calm down guys. We still have this event. I think and hope everything will be cleared in this game. She can act as GB but her skills won’t. Hahahahaha. I bet TLY will be suspicious as to why she is so weak (and i bet her money bitch attitude will show up). Then he will divorce her! Let’s hope this will be it! A face slap for both the bitch and the scum!

    I just wonder when will GB and ML recognize each other. GB won’t in the game since ML’s soul isn’t with it – only ML’s sensations have passed onto the game. If GB and ML will meet… i bet it will be in RL. Didn’t the ML also search up GB’s identity? Hehehehe.

  6. Easy solution: log in your side account when she’s online with her character, and “accidentally” meet with Tang-the-Mentally-Challenged. I understand one can’t control two characters at the same time, yes? Oops…

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  7. Gu Bai, eres un idiota por dejarte llevar por las emociones del idiota original, dejaste que el hermano se enamorara de él y al huir solo aceleraste el mal entendio a la ruta original…

  8. Tch what a shame I thought this arc will have two mls. If you guys didn’t read yet ‘The Last X’ please do and you will understand me . Aigoo sorry for recommend other novel in this website. Just want to let out from my chest 😅😅😅😅

  9. Why do I feel like the MC is so stupid in this arc? Wtf?!

  10. I was really furious at first but calmed down when I thought about her ending later on.. if Tang Linyi realizes he has been cheated by her, he would be so disgusted by her and no matter how much he liked her it would be pointless after all nobody likes to be deceived like this. plus this guy has a brain hole like Yuan Tianwen from RSCB, who the fuck even recognizes the wrong person?? so dumb

  11. I got the feeling the MC fake brother will lose his crap once he finds out that his girlfriend lied to him and he fell for his “brother”

  12. So annoyed for Gu Bai right now but he needs to tell his ass.

  13. This chapter made me so mad!!! WTF!! She better get exposed, lying green tea bish.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  14. I’m getting heart burns whenever I think of the FL luck with Lingyi. Like, this pos just won’t stay away XD

  15. Thanks for the translations!

    This author is making it really hard to ignore the sexism and misogyny. This chapter, in addition to “girls are innately bad at games and can only use their feminine wiles to use men”, we have “girls doing masculine things is cool, but they better also perfectly fit to ideal feminine stereotypes”.

  16. I think the people in the comment section forget that both Tang Linyi and Gu Bai were using their side accounts to play. So basically, Gu Bai just can’t blatantly say that he was hurt by Tang Linyi (pulling that ‘I-just-didn’t-show-up-and-you-are-already-with-another-woman card’) because the Song-girl married Tang Linyi using his main account to which Gu Bai (technically) didn’t have anything to do with.🧐 Correct me if I’m wrong.

    I’m just re-reading everyone, and this is what I remembered in the plot.

  17. How do people fall in love in an online game like that? Even if the other party was actually a girl and her didn’t care about looks (lol) they could be way older like an auntie age or someone married with kids already. Or someone still in middle school!

  18. Why tf does these character have such annoying backward views about girls, sigh such good novel but author have such twisted thoughts