Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh92 - New Lives, New Hopes, New Dreams


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  1. I went to the detntist because of cavities two weeks ago and i already feel them come back now….

  2. Thanks for the chapter! So sweet 😍 And I’ll kinda miss HL to be honest, would love to follow his story from now on (though maybe as a story on his own, his part in this one is over). The way you write the psychological aspect of the story is really amazing. Makes me feel really invested in all the characters (except YW (and GY), those two you made plenty disgusting (in a good way? Still felt “real” and 3D))

    Looking forwards to the rest of this story and all the fluff and shenanigans these two will come up with!

  3. Thank you for the chapter.

    I like the bitter/numb mindset of HL, very “I live for my dog” but living is still living at least there’s that you know. And the fact that he wants to stay alone is quite normal I think. he’s protecting himself from more hurt and potential manipulation…

    I’m in fir the softness and the tooth-rotting fluff. I have very good teeth anyway eheh

  4. Thanks for the chapter! I’m down for a fluffy victory lap for everyone now. And I do hope for a new lease on life for poor HL.

  5. The Twins are there 🥺

    So adorbs- and xslxbshxjbaixoqkd Yue Fei is afraid of hurting the little hoomans, he’s making their home sterile for them qwq

    And we’re finally getting to the proposing. A race against time, who makes the first step. Also: are they simply gonna use the second set as the wedding band???

    Guilty as charged, I’m gonna hunt you with Poll questions to all of your books muahaha

  6. Mulan 😂. Uncle Qing can have his own nickname for her like I do with my only niece. Bonding is bonding. I read a long time ago that some hospitals need volunteers just to come hold babies, so he’s providing a valuable service (something he didn’t have to buy lol).

    Huang Luchuan’s current state (I call it “going numb”) is understandable. Avoiding connections isn’t necessarily wrong because you can hurt people without noticing, in that condition. I think Australia sounds like an ideal place to find oneself when it wears off 😎.