Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh56 - When Your Parents Arrive


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  1. They could be worse, they’re not cold, they demonstrate a happy marriage and they do want family time when they’re home. But they should have noticed when their sons were at odds and hurting, and kids need affection – it’s a physically measurable influence on their health. Not good, not bad.

    • Yeah! I think we all know what to expect if a family is cold, or strict, or permissive to the point of rotting their children, but there are also situations where everyone means well, but they are perhaps not good at it. Happy, but with something missing. Loving, but wanting more.

      Honestly, the inspiration for the Wei parents (other than a good friend in high school) is all the novels where the main couple is So. In. Love. that there’s some throwaway line about how they toss the child out as soon as they come of age (see this a lot, usually with adopted kids, usually in QT). I kind of wanted to explore what would happen if there was a couple that operated that same way, but the main character was one of those lovingly tossed-away children.

  2. I love the polls. So fun to read. Also, they definitely shouldn’t have had kids. I had a feeling when I was in high school that I wouldn’t have any. I felt I was too selfish and wouldn’t give them the attention I know is deserved. Too many people have kids as a habit or societal exlectation. Now I’m 32 and the bf and I agreed on no kids years ago. I’m the weird auntie to my older brothers’ kids. I’m glad but not surprised they had some bc I know my mommy would be sad with no grandkids.

    • Yeah, I think social pressure is big (and was bigger in the seventies and eighties). A kid as a default expectation, not even worth talking about before marriage, or thinking about if you wanted them or were just doing what’s expected. Add an oopsie baby twelve years later when you thought you were past needing to be careful, and you can end up with this kind of situation.

  3. Yeah I’m the same for the parents. Mine are awesome really so I’ve learned to not take them as the norm but they should ! And yeah you can be a very good person and a bad parent (and vice-versa) and I think that’s the case here.

    Thanks for the chapter 🍨

    • Yes! Being a decent person, and being in love, doesn’t mean that anything that springs from that love will automatically be perfect. I think probably the Wei parents fall into the trap that many people do– they gave their children more than they had, they gave them a stable home, they love them, and they assume that’s enough. Because their children are so materially better off than they were, they never consider that knowing you’re a priority is also important, especially for kids, esp. when they’re young.

      • Yes and yes. I remember growing up not very well off but mcvey happy bc my nommy step dad and brothers were so loving and spoiled me. It resulted in me spoiling the oopsie baby brother who was born 10 yrs after me. Hes also the reason I realized I didnt want kids bc I knew I didnt want to give the attn I gave him n go through the baby phase again. Love him to pieces tho. Ppl mistaked him for being my child we were so close. Now hes 22 n it’s weird him being all grown up and taller than his big sister he still clings to.

  4. Everytime I see Huang Luchuan talk about his A’Ju makes me want to cry. 😭 Author can you please write an au where they are together as an extra? Pretty please? 😉

    • Father Wei probably knows more than he lets on about everything, but doesn’t rock the boat out of consideration for Mother Wei. Which is a choice? Not a great one when you can tell that something’s wrong with your youngest son, but probably better when it’s something nice and light like a relationship blossoming.

  5. Father Wei got it figured out 😂

    But poor Wei Qiwan, he isn’t the third wheel, he’s the fith wheel, sending my love and support for him, ganbare. (P.S. don’t worry, she’ll be there in no time.)

    Also…gets cheerleader uniform Go, Wei Qing, go. You can do it.

  6. That has to be rough as a kid to know they love and 1/4 ass raised you only bc your family and not because you’re actually wanted.