Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh102 - Then, I’ll let you return the remaining half right now… If it’s convenient for you.


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Translator's Note

spare tires/backup plans

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  1. WAAHHH HUAN HUAN IS SO BOLD!!! I legit did a double take at the “daddy” part like, HOLY–

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. screams at so many lines

    Omg you go Huanhuan~!!!

    Yes Xiang Gege, pacify Huanhuan~ don’t let him think there are any possible love rivals~

    That selfie exchange was cute~

    All this chapter is missing is the lights turning back on and someone gets a look at them~

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. Huan Huan is going all out for XHZ…but dont worry Huan Huan…Gege is already into you. Thanks for the chapter.

  4. Huanhuan you shameless boy! 😤

    Lol the way I screeched when he called XHZ daddy 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  5. Huanhuan is so smooth~ I mean, every sentence is a flirt full of charm, gentle yet fierce pursuit. Though it wasn’t that long ahahah They are just so sweet 💛

  6. Thank you so much for the chapter 😊

    They are so sweet and cute send each other photo uwu

    And daddy part adacavavsvs i cant believe he would say that safafavav

  7. Huanhuan I’m so proud of you ahhhhh

    Xiang ge just really couldn’t resist huanhuan I’m crying they’re so sweetThank you for the chapter!


    And Huanhuan pursuing XHZ and somehow got KOed and confused what’s going on loooool. But you’re also a teased. Gege can’t hold it in anymore *winkwink*

    Thank you for the chapter XD

  9. ASDFGHJKL JING HUAN IN LOVE IS THE BEST!!! He is so straight forward, and I really really love how he conveys his feeling to Xiang Ge.

  10. I felt giddy just from reading the title and the chapter didn’t disappoint either.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  11. I seriously couldn’t control myself from saving this chapter for stockpiling.

  12. I need those selfies.

    And also…. XIANG XIANG pounce pounce pounce. Don’t let your shou get away with teasing you like that!!!

  13. QvQ such a well written kiss scene. . . im not usually having a picture in mind, but this ….damn my heart is pounding…

  14. I don’t even care if I get diabetes!!!!

    Love how clear Xiang Ge is on the place that the girl has in his heart once he figures out that it bothers HuanHuan (no love rivals indeed)

    Love the reversal where Huanhuan is expecting resistance, but then realizes that he’s being teased. They’re just so cute <3 that half-kiss and how HuanHuan is trying to sneakily get to a “full kiss” is so funny. Xiang Ge, that press against the wall move is so sexy <3

  15. The lights turned off and Huanhuan take good advantage of the situation!! But even in the restaurant he was so bold! I admire him!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  16. Righteous brother Jing Huan what happened ^^

  17. I loooove how Jing Huan seems to have become one with his gaming persona. They’re so much more fun when they’re honest!

    But I’m also a bit sad, because the novel is probably almost over, no?

  18. Hieee, they’re so.. ooghh the romantic tension and mutual thirst is killing me. Huanhuan is earnestly chasing but Gege isn’t exactly running away either, hehe.

  19. i reaiized I had actually held my breath while reading the part where they were about to kiss! ☺ thank you so much for this chapter!

  20. Wooowee Huanhuan is GOOD at this seduction thing. Thirst pic and then pet names and then a kiss with the neck holding…

  21. AAAHAHahahahh~ Yes!!!!! HuanHuan is so kinky (////) Not that I mind though. I welcome all sorts of dog food💕

    Thanks for the chapter~

    ❤ (all healed now☺)

  22. Lmao them exchanging selfies and thirsting after one another “hot bad boy” and “GeGe is so handsome” they are the cutest and thirstiest 😂😂😂


    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖

  24. Since the chapter title is always a line from the chapter… petition to rename the chapter “Such a hot, hot bad boy.”