Flirt [Interstellar]

Flirt [Interstellar] 撩拨[星际]

RAW Source
Author: Nuo Nuo
Total Chapters: 96
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Translators: Leche De Fresa
Release Schedule: Sporadic


BL (220)Romance (220)Doting Love Interest (141)Drama (100)Transmigration (82)Omegaverse (55)Rebirth (50)Entertainment Industry (43)Interstellar (38)Acting (4)Smart MC (2)


Lin Yi lived to thirty-five years old in his previous life. He became famous when he was young and was arrogant by nature. He sang and acted well. He died just as he was about to win various awards.

When he opened his eyes again, Lin Yi was in the interstellar era and has become a fragile omega that can be easily deceived and has lost their fertility.

At the Star Network press conference, a reporter cited Qin Nuo, the strongest Marshal of the Empire, as an example, contemptuously: “A low-grade omega like you can’t stand by the Marshal in this life, right?”

Lin Yi’s eyes drooped slightly, and his lips slowly opened: “Want to make a bet?”

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  1. Boring. Tired of this trope. Can’t he be amazing on his own? Does he need to have a Marshall/man to be acknowledged by anyone else? Does his goal have to be having a man? Sigh. It’s hard finding good interstellar with string mc