Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 85.1


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  1. Woah, I wonder how Shi Qing will overturn his reputation now!!! He has a little demonic disciple now

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡♡

  2. Huh, seems like the difficulty of the arcs will keep rising. I’m curious, how will he wash himself clean? Kukuku…

    Shi Qing’s got himself a blackned disciple! He’s going to have a rought time…

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤

  3. I thought Shi Qing was going to help him! Not let him go into demonic cultivation! Sigh..


    Or I guess Shi Qing is gonna say that he always knew Rong jue has Demonic blood in his body which was better for him hence he did it?

  4. There is a typo: ‘ junior marital siblings’ XD should be “martial”

    Rong Jue has lost all of his faith in the right path… Is Shi Qing gonna coax him now or after he has become a demonic cultivation disciple?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. I’m really stressed out, thank god this system shet doesn’t exist.. i would die a thousand times

  6. what i don’t understand is that originally, the protagonist died of injuries and MC hasn’t changed anything so why did he survive?

  7. It’ll be the cute misunderstanding from RJ side that SQ purposely try to destroy his immortal cultivation coz he knew from the beginning who RJ was all along. 😏