Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 84


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  1. I thorough expected that😂 Let’s see how Shi Qing will overturn it this time~!!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Maybe i read too much transmigation novels, but after seeing various arcs of various novels, i can now predict what shall happen next. But, i did not expect that.

    Hohohoh, let’s see how this will go!

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤

  3. *bow before shizun

    Teach us poor mortal of your acting ways!

    Lol I am thinking how SVS could have been different now

  4. How is he going to coax his disciple?! Taking care of him in secret, maybe?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. I’m just here waiting how his disciple is going to royally misunderstand his(the original’s) actions in order to fall in love..

  6. I lowkey expected that, but also didn’t. Keep going, Shi Qing. Now, I’m more than just interested in how this arc will go 👀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  7. I’m really starting to think that the author got quite a bit of inspiration from Scum Villain for making a cultivation world arc. 🤔

    Good thing I love Scum Villain haha so I’m totally down for it 👍 🌺 Thanks for the chapter, I can’t wait to see what happens next 😊💖🌸

  8. Well that was a huge change from the Mermaid Arc

    Well let’s hope for the best

    Thank You for the Chapter!!

  9. Maybe DID shizun with one tsundere personality and one exremely kind personality?

  10. I am not enjoying the fact that people keep comparing this to SVSS because I hate Luo Binghe. He is hands down the worse of MXTX’s MLs. Shi Qing is also not in the business of codling brats that end up sucking in bed.

  11. The SVSSS vibe in this arc is strong :v LOL there always be one tropes(?) shinzu-disipline in QT novel.

    I didnt expected the last sentence, well, it make me more curious how he whitewash himself.

  12. Oh is he going to play the bad guy, but it’ll look like he’s doing everything for Rong Jue’s own good??

  13. I feel that he will heal the protagonist in secret… Shen Jiu is that you? 😂

    Thanks for the chapter

  14. There is one thing I don’t understand. He got a golden finger that made him strong/influential, but the downside was that he was a villain. But this time, he is a wastrel who can only be somewhat good by relying on the things his daddy left him. Even plot vise, the original owner sounds like a small fry that kicked the plot in motion and was easily wiped out later, not a last boss. Doesn’t that kind of contradict the setting?

  15. Hmm… I think he will torture ml in the right way now to make the protagonist realise that he has demonic blood in him and then act like this was his goal all along

  16. Totally expecting that! Lol , as alot ppl commented, will it be Shizun x Bing He vibe? Thank you for the chapter.

  17. This has longer chapter than the previous arcs, aside from the first arc. Sure hope this’ll be a good one~

    I expected he won’t give him the treatment since he always don’t want to go OOC but I wonder how he’ll gain the ML’s favor this time.