Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 72.1


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  1. Bwahahahah QYS has such a big imagination!! 🤣🤣🤣 Shi Qing is such a vixen and I love it!!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. I’m convinced that our ML has the biggest brain pit in the novel….seriously, that pit is never ending…Oh well, more fun for us!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. SQ: I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life.

    QYS: I know this, and I love you.

    Everyone else: ………. ಠ_ಠ


    Everyone: Which are? (≖_≖ )

    QYS: I love him.

    Everything: (-‸ლ)

    Thank you for the chapter~♡

  4. hubby is always so proactive 😂

    I still really really love SQ’s power bottom energy. I always think that It gives off the wrong impression of a relationship when bottoms are supper reluctant.

    • I also hate that trope. I feel like it is a carry over of one of the most annoying tropes found in straight romance novels or worse a homophobic belief that no real man would want to be a bottom.

  5. Looks like QYS has learned from his boyfriend a lot…. and will now start preaching the cult of Shi Qing (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

    Thank you for translating (人´∀`)。゚+

  6. Oh my goodness 😂 he really compared him to Cinderella

  7. If I think too much about this artificial nerves, the logical part of my brain will kick in agonising over it…Even my pseudo-logical brain part for fictional pseudo-science is scrutinising, barely passing marks…

    Young Master Cinderella, that brain hole, this officer works hard ^^”

    Thank you^^

  8. Bruh this fucking Shu Yiyi :///

    Shi Qing’s money is hers?! Because it is the family fortune?!

    The only reason you are living in the Duke’s mansion was because you schemed to be there!

    Also who is her dead mother? The duke’s sister? Fuck how do I even insult her

  9. Even though, I already read this for 3-4 times, I still feel that ML’s brain hole is very very large, it’s can cover a whole world. 😂

  10. Brainwashing himself then planning on brainwashing other people to clean his shameless little boyfriend’s reputation😂

  11. Aww QY is so cute getting all nervous and making a better version of himself for SQ!! I now confirm that QY definitely has a beautification and perfect filter for SQ!!! 😳💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  12. Qin Yunsheng extending his sinful hands to Shi Qing’s next victims by proxy……..but somehow, his logic is starting to make sense? 😳