Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 130.1


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Translator's Note

糖人 – using molten sugar to make 3D figures


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  1. The Host seems to be becoming more powerful (perverted).

    This system is not good, not good .

    What becoming perverted ? He is already one okay 🤣🤣🤭

    And ,yes Jiang Beiyu don’t put it down , you should eat them cleanly 🙂

    Lastly thanks for the update 💕💕

  2. Honestly, I feel like the part of a path being blocked will make more sense in a bit after everything has happened so I shall wait for that time to come.

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!

  3. From 78 to 69, that was pretty quick.

    Why do I feel like things are becoming more and more perverted between them? lmfao

    Thank you very much for this chapter!

  4. MC: “I know hundreds of ways to tie my man to me~”

    Readers: “By digging hole in his brain?”

    MC: “Well, of course!”

    thanks for the chapter~

  5. I wondered if the original ending of this novel is actually twisted than the other arcs. Since SQ never really read the whole novel this time.