Escape the Infinite ChambersCh190 - Valiant Battle (VIII)


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  1. Wait no!! I remember how scared I was when Clown stopped in that chasing scene with Spectre 🤣🤣🤣 i cant believ he was thinking about Lo Jian’s lil cute paws

  2. I feel like I’m the Clown here for being scared on the Burial Ground’s ending chapter.

  3. Lol so Clown is the comedian through and through! Dug a pit, fall in himself, repeatedly shoot while thinking of Abyss’s little meaty pads 😂. So it seems Clown gonna joined the infinite loop train. Will Abyss able to get help from FYL, DL and XY though? The past him gonna be thrown in CAR, sooo IF, I mean IF this Abyss succeeded in finding the key, what will happen to the Luo Jian that was just thrown into CAR in this exact time and space???