Escape the Infinite ChambersCh129 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XXII)


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  1. XING YAAAN AAAH oof this hurts me 😭😭😭

    aaah good luck with work!!! take all the time you need~ thank you for the update!!

  2. oh my god. i physically cannot do this anymore. THIS HURTS SK MUCH. THIS WAS THE ONLY TIME THEY COULD ACTUALLY TALK WHERE BOTH OF THEM ARE HUMAN BEINGS. and it ended like that.

  3. Goodbye Xin Yan ಥ_ಥ The fact that he’s willing to die for Luo Jian even though he doesn’t have any memories of him… This strong sense of love is simply too much .·´¯(>▂<)´¯·.

  4. Wow. I am amazed by Xing Yan’s deep love that he can recall and know subsconciously that JianJian is precious. I wonder if Wolf will be gentler with Owl too had that been played by Ah Lan and not Ah Lan’s shadow?