Escape the Infinite ChambersCh130 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XXIII)


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  1. wow now i’m more hurt with xing yan 😢 but i’m also wtfffff it’s (probably not but looks like) a loop??? i think i need to reread LOL pls my brain is too dumb for this

    thank you for the update!!! 😭😭😭

  2. I feel like the train is probably a loop what with him walking into car 13. I’m probably missing a lot though, so if I’m lucky maybe we’ll get a clearer explanation.

    Thank you for translating!!!💋❤😍💕💋

  3. Sad for our black cat huhu I’m just anxious.. what if Crow forgets everything if the loop happens? Aaaahhhh is he the one who made those clues? D:

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. So Crow from this round kills Owl from the next round. The Train is a loop, an infinity train? That’s how Owl from the first round was killed. It was Crow from the same round, but a Crow from a previous round? Does this cross space time?

  5. OMG the author is really working my brain! I’m not sure what’s going on! The last arc Specter followed the Clown making him the second to leave the under ground tomb? So in this arc are they suffering their punishment? An never ending loop “train”.? Black Cat said “ Ct Aljc…… P klii…… P klii cb ibcufg yf jyif ab qgbafma sbe… “ But then he said “ Don’t worry…… Ah Jian, no matter where it is, I will be able to protect you…” so is this because he will come back because of the loop train? I’m soooo confused.

  6. So it is loop train ,never ending and repeated ??? If crow really a murderer , why don’t he get any memory?

  7. Oh! It is ouroboros??? The snake eating its own tail. Now he went back to the beginning (well, no beginning or ending)?? So they are neither dead nor alive? Is this even a secret chamber? How to solve it? Because the question “Do you think you are still alive” in #12 means Crow had died. The moment he woke up in #1/13 he is a dead Crow.. then the dead Crow killed the other animals thinking he is alive only to restart it all over again. Is this a nightmare? If so how to wake up from it? Can Crow find the solution? By taking that black pendant cross from Owl, will something happen? Or should Crow kill himself? Maybe by killing himself, he will wake up (suddenly reminded of Tanjirou predicament in Mugen Train)?