Escape the Infinite ChambersCh110 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (III)


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  1. Ghaddddddddd I fudging want to know what’s happening right now ahhhhhhh….. The author is so cruel leaving us hanging like this QAQ

  2. Ahhhhh is one of these Owls Shadow? I can’t wait for more! Thanks for sharing your hard work with us translator-sama!

  3. I don’t know if Owl is the one chosen by the chamber as a murderer but one thing is for sure crow is not a murderer. Remember before he woken up crow went paralyzed and a stranger strangle him, and told him that to survive he needs to stoop down.. The corpse died due to hypoxia or being strangled until death and crow was strangled too therefore whether owl strangle them or someone did, crow is still not a murderer. But I don’t understand, chamber hinted crow by making someone almost strangle him in his sleep but it didn’t hinted owl, so whether crow is mc of this arc or owl is a murderer but after telling crow about surviving he immediately forgot everything and made him unconscious.
  4. Heck!!! They didn’t discover whatever the corpse hold in his hands huh! Urgh! Luo Jian and Ah Lan had already been prone to carelessness regarding clue and hints before.. now with their memory loss…