Escape From the LibraryCh302 - Smart Library 06

From the dormitory corridor to the Dormitory Management Center, everyone teleported back and forth a total of 12 times, and only then did they find the four teammates. Ke Shaobin’s laptop recorded the coordinate data of each space, Jiang Pingce looked at the data on the screen and said, “Build a three-dimensional coordinate system model and take a look.”

Ke Shaobin was very familiar with modeling, and soon he simulated a three-dimensional coordinate system in the laptop, and put the space he had been to before in this three-dimensional coordinate system according to the corresponding coordinate range. 0Tzkwt

Everyone was surprised to find that the spaces were like square boxes, suspended on the same level, with an arrangement that looked irregular.

The ‘box’ in the very center, it was the place they had not found at all.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Pingce pointed to the three-dimensional modeling figure on the screen. “You see, the spaces of these Dormitory Management Centers are not adjacent, each of them exists independently, but the distance between them is fixed.”

Ke Shaobin also discovered this rule, he quickly numbered all the spaces, and said, “There is a lack of 3 meters of coordinate data between space 1 and space 2, and the same is true for other spaces.” sq6ebW

Jiang Pingce thought for a while and said, “The missing 3×3 meter area should be the elevator car that was blown up.”

This was calculated based on distance. Before the library activated the emergency system and blew up the elevator car, they could take the elevator directly to the Dormitory Management Center as usual, and the location of the elevator car coincided with the missing area in the model. Specifically, let Xiao Tu measure the elevator car near the Dormitory Management Center.

Ke Shaobin said excitedly, “Let’s go and verify it!” He turned around and swept through the eight corridors on the periphery of the Dormitory Management Center and asked, “Which portal to take?”

Yue Xingwen said, “I’ll guess one, go to Area C and try.”


Anyway, it was luck, 1 in 8 probability of either one.

Everyone followed Ke Shaobin into Area C, then turned around and entered the Dormitory Management Center through another exit in the corridor and sure enough, they were teleported to a new space, and the robot sensed their presence, immediately attacked. Lin Manluo reacted quickly, and the vines in her hand were thrown out instantly, directly throwing the two robots out!

At the same time, Ke Shaobin hurried up and took Xiao Tu to the vicinity of the blasted elevator car and detected the exact coordinates here. Then, he entered the new data into the modeling graphics in his laptop.

Ke Shaobin’s eyes lit up. “Sure enough, the missing coordinates are the elevator car!” HsCS61

He glanced at Jiang Pingce, who said in a low voice, “It seems that there is a Dormitory Management Center in the front, back, left, and right of each elevator car.”

Ke Shaobin said excitedly, “In this way, the structure of the Dormitory Area on the 3rd floor is indeed very similar to the unfolding flowers, and the Dormitory Management Center is the ‘flower stamen area’, and there are elevator shafts connected between the stamen and the pistil, and each elevator can open the door in for directly to send students to different spaces. The student Dormitory Area is the outer ‘petal’, and there is also an elevator shaft at the end of the petal area, which can take students directly to the dormitory corridor and also to other floors.”

Jiang Pingce nodded and said, “En. The petals and stamens can be reached through the portal, and every time we pass through the portal, the space will change. It can be understood that the stamen area and the petal area are systems that operate separately, and each rotates according to a certain law. For example, the no. 1 stamen originally corresponded to corridor A, but after it was rotated, it may correspond to corridor A, which is also the reason why the space coordinates of the Dormitory Area will change after every teleportation.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After Ke Shaobin and Jiang Pingce’s sorting and analysis, everyone finally had a clear understanding of the structure of the Dormitory Area on the -3rd floor! be2f8G

We Tlrtfc mbcmievfv, “P ecvfgrajcv, la’r ilxf j yibbwlcu recoibkfg, klat atf vlrx lc atf wlvvif jcv atf qfajir bc atf qfglqtfgs, gbajalcu lc vloofgfca qjaafgcr. Qtja kf tjnf ab vb cbk lr ab olcv atf mfcafg bo atf ktbif oibkfg?”

Aljcu Ulcumf cbvvfv jcv rjlv, “Ktja’r gluta.”

Since the correspondence between the central and peripheral areas was constantly changing, if they tried to find the middle point by luck and teleportation, the probability of hitting it would be very low.

However, with accurate data analysis, it was simple to find it. 7z0dOI

Jiang Pingce quickly calculated the data. “The coordinates of this elevator shaft are (10, -50, -3), and from the elevator shaft here, 10 meters forward and 50 meters to the right, you can reach the central space of (0, 0, -3)

-3 represented the floor and the data was fixed. The first two numbers were the coordinates of the X-axis and Y-axis.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Pingce said, “Because the space of the central area and the Dormitory Area is constantly changing, it’s impossible to teleport directly. But the position of the Elevator shaft is fixed, and we can directly teleport from the elevator shaft here.”

The elevator shaft had been blown up, and there was no place for them to stand. But they had Zhang Xiaonian. fI0bxS

Yue Xingwen looked back at Zhang Xioanian and said, “Junior brother, build a cement floor at the location of the elevator shaft, everyone hurry up and go up and let Qin Lu use Plate Movement.”

Zhang Xiaonian immediately stepped forward, raised his right hand, and made a cement floor in the blown up elevator shaft.

Everyone walked quickly. As the elevator shaft had just been blown up, the smoke inside had not yet dissipated, and everyone choked up and couldn’t help coughing, covering their mouths and noses.

The next moment, they saw Qin Lu take out the globe, quickly enter the data on it, and whispered in her mouth, “10 meters to the front, 50 meters to the right, switch places!” h 7TLQ

Suddenly they switched to another dimension.

It was still a square area, exactly the same size as those Dormitory Management Center earlier. However, it looked empty at a glance, not a single resident robot in sight, not the tablet service area used by other Dormitory Management Centers for dormitory check in processing.

It was as if they had come into a closed, empty box.

Everyone looked at each other in disbelief. USBQiY

Jiang Pingce frowned and said to Ke Shaobin, “Look at the coordinates to see if it’s right.”

Ke Shaobin immediately turned on the monitoring skill of Xiao Tu, and a row of data quickly appeared on Xiao Tu’s screen. At this time, the coordinates of all 12 of them became (0, 0, -3) —— They finally made it to the very center of the Dormitory Area on the -3rd floor.

However, as Xiao Tu reported the data, the familiar mechanical voice sounded an alarm: “Library’s sensitive area, No Entry!”

The crisp children’s voice was clearly coming from Xiao Tu. YKsNZW

Ke Shaobin looked down and found that the screen and indicator light of Xiao Tu actually went out at the same time, as if it was shut down. He tried to press Xiao Tu’s head, and the reboot was actually unresponsive.

Ke Shaobin scratched his head in confusion. “Library’s sensitive area, what does that mean? Xiao Tu can’t be turned on.”

Yue Xingwen thought about it carefully and suddenly his eyes lit up. “Could we have mistakenly entered the fire escape of the Library building?! Generally, high-rise buildings will leave a fire escape, which is not used in normal times, and can be used to escape at critical moments.”

Jiang Pingce looked at him and said approvingly, “If that’s the case, it’s likely that we’ve found the right way to leave the library, which is to say—— staircase.” omTsy6

Hearing this, everyone’s faces showed joy.

All the elevator shafts were completely blown up, and their method of artificially controlling the elevator’s up and down no longer worked. However, there was another way to escape—— stairs!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the event of an accident in a high-rise building, it was common not to take the elevator, but to escape through the stairs.

It was just that when everyone first joined up, they couldn’t find where the stairs were. Usually, they used elevators to enter and exit various floors of the library, and they had never seen a staircase. gdBZAu

Perhaps, the staircase was hidden in this most central and hidden location?

Thinking of this, Yue Xingwen immediately said, “Let’s look around to see if there’s a hidden secret door!”

Twelve people immediately dispersed, looking around the ‘box’, knocking on the wall.

After a while, Qin Lu’s excited voice came from behind, “This wall has a secret door, and it’s painted the same color as the wall.” DcXwdS

The next moment, Liu Zhaoqing on the right also said, “A door was found on this wall.”

Zhang Xiaonian said, “I also found it here!”

Zhuo Feng looked at the secret door in front of him, “So, there are secret doors on the four walls in the center?”

Jiang Pingce said, “Push it open and take a look.” rxodfb

All four pushed open the door in front of them at the same time—— Behind the door, there was an identical staircase with the words ‘Fire Escape’ written on it.

Ke Shaobin lifted his glasses, quickly changed the three-dimensional model in his laptop, saying, “The most central location of this library building is actually a huge patio, and in the east, west, south and north directions of the patio, there are four stairwells that can lead to different floors. Normally, this patio is closed, so we’ve been in the library for over two months and have never seen the stairs.”

Xin Yan walked to his side, looked at the model in the laptop and said, “According to common sense, through the stairwell, it’s indeed possible to escape from the building. However, which floor is the exit from the library building?”

Zhang Xiaonian thought for a moment and said, “Generally speaking, the exit of a high-rise building is on the ground level of the first floor, but the structure of this library building is more complicated, with 6 floors underground and 13 floors above ground. We’ve currently cleared the faculties from the first to twelfth floors, so personally, I feel that the exit is most likely on the top floor.” dUeBb5

Since coming to the library, they had passed all the way from the Faculty of Medicine on the first floor to the Faculty of Humanities on the twelfth floor, and the last floor was the Faculty of Computer Science on the 13th floor.

The possibility that the exit was on the 13th floor was indeed very likely, but that didn’t rule out the 1st floor being a simpler version of the exit.

Yue Xingwen and Jiang Pingce glanced at each other and said, “I suggest climbing up to the 1st floor first to take a look, and if there’s no exit, then continue up to the top floor.”

Jiang Pingce nodded. “En. Separate teams, or together?” YhCS1b

AFter all, there were four staircases here, and according to the temperament of the library, the four could not be exactly the same, there must be a pit in them.

Yue Xingwen looked at his teammates. “What do you all think?”

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Liu Zhaoqing said, “I suggest splitting the team. Out of 4 staircases only one of them must be correct, and the other three are most likely the pits left by the library for intruders.”

Senior brother Liu had always believed in the principle that ‘the library doesn’t care about ethics’. PQahUW

Zhuo Feng also agreed. “It’s too crowded for 12 people to walk together, the staircase space is narrow. In case they are surrounded from the front and back, escaping will be troublesome. It’s more appropriate to divide 2 teams, 50% probability of hitting the right path, and if it doesn’t work, start over again.”

Four teams for four exits were the fastest, but it was also the most risky, after all, their escape skills were limited, and some of the teams were likely to have no ability to defend themselves in case of danger.

Thinking of this, Yue Xingwen simply said, “I, Pingce, senior brother Zhuo, senior sister Lin, senior sister Lan and Xiao Nian are in one team, and Pingce will lead the team. Ke Shaobin, Xin Yan, Qin Lu, Qin Miao, senior brother Xu, senior brother Liu, with Ke Shaobin leading the way. We go left, you go right, keep in touch on the LAN channel!”

Everyone simply divided into two groups, said goodbye to each other, and quickly entered the staircase, quickly climbing upwards. 6rnjJH

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  1. I never thought about split in 2 teams!!

    Thank you for your translation 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚