Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 44


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  1. Although I love their relationship, it really upsets me whenever I read about FF messing with HX’s meds. Good thing the placebo method is working (for now at least), but that is NOT what you are supposed to do, esp as some random high schooler rather than a trained psychiatrist. FF could really have caused some adverse effects bc of his actions. Also bc he just tossed them away iirc, rather than keeping them just in case. I wish stories that talk about mental health wouldn’t demonize it or use some occurrence as a random cure-all. Really wish for more neurodiversity & getting away from this stigma.
  2. Yea no. why is he still changing his medicines?! Wtf feng fei?! You’re not a god damn health professional to do that! What if something happened to hai xui & because you changed his medicines, it doesn’t work?! Wtf?!

    As much as I wanna love this story because of the fluff, feng fei messing up with hai xiu’s medicine is getting a huge dislike from me.

    You never ever mess with others prescripted medicine!

  3. Reading the comments, I fully agree with the point that secretly exchanging prescribed medicine against “vitamins” (placebo) is the worst thing one can do. Because normally a person like MC would almost immediately notice the difference.

    The author explained it as FF asking a doctor about it who agreed and even suggested placebos. This is pure nonsense, because a doctor has to examine the patient beforehand. Everything else is harmful.

    So if you are in a situation like FF, DON’T EVER even think about acting like FF. Especially not telling the patient itself. If you want to swap the medicine, talk with the patient first, if he agrees, take him and consult a doctor together. This is the proper way to handle such a situation. Never take a mental illness lightly, no matter which one!

    On another note, regarding “Do you remember my name?”, although the matter itself is serious, please remember the fact, that the author just wanted to write a fluffy story and show “love can heal everything”. This story is written for entertainment and fluff, therefore the actions of ML don’t have any negative effect on MC (until now, at least, I don’t know about the future).

  4. It makes me really uncomfortable that Feng Fei is messing with Hai Xiu’s meds. The only reason I can keep reading this is because the author framed it in such a way that it seems like a very minor issue, so I can almost ignore it. But I don’t understand what the point of this plot point is. It doesn’t add anything. The story would have been even better if Feng Fei didn’t touch the meds.