Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 45


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  1. I love these two so much! Thank you for the update, you are awesome! Please be safe in these crazy times, and thanks for translating!

  2. These two are really adorable. I hope HX can put down his worries and come out to FF. Thanks for the chapter.

  3. Feng Fei
    raised his eyebrows in question, so Haixiu explained.

    “The chinese language teacher gave it to me. She said that there
    was an article in here that was pretty good, and wanted me to look at how they
    wrote their thesis.” Feng Fei sighed.

    “Look at how biased she is, usually when we look at magazines
    she’ll confiscate them, but for you, she’ll even recommend one”. Haixiu
    considerately offered,

    “Do you want to look at it first?” Feng Fei shook his head.

    “I don’t
    like this type of magazine”. Haixiu flipped it open, and read it with

    “I like it”. Feng Fei looked at Haixiu’s profile and wondered if
    he should show Haixiu his own magazines after returning home. It wasn’t like
    Haixiu was still a child, looking through it shouldn’t pose any problems… Feng
    Fei felt a little restless, while Haixiu excitedly pushed him.

    ummm, I’m sorry, I might be wrong and being a busybody but this
    section doesn’t really make sense. I think it probably should have been more
    like this. I’m not the best grammar and punctuation though…

    Feng Fei
    raised his eyebrows in question, so Haixiu explained.

    “The chinese language teacher gave it to me. She said that there
    was an article in here that was pretty good, and wanted me to look at how they
    wrote their thesis.”

    Feng Fei sighed, “Look at how biased she is, usually when we
    look at magazines she’ll confiscate them, but for you, she’ll even recommend

    “Do you want to look at it first?”, Haixiu considerately offered.

    Feng Fei shook his head, “I don’t like this type of magazine”.

    flipped it open, and read it with delight.

    “I like it”. Feng Fei looked at Haixiu’s profile and wondered if
    he should show Haixiu his own magazines after returning home. It wasn’t like
    Haixiu was still a child, looking through it shouldn’t pose any problems… Feng
    Fei felt a little restless, while Haixiu excitedly pushed him.

    • Actually, I just finished reading the chapter and a lot of the dialogue is off. There are a lot of parts where it feels like Feng Fei is saying Haixiu’s lines and vice versa. I hope I’m not being out of line. 😓

      • To my knowledge of English grammar, when a new character speaks you must start a new paragraph, but when the same character speaks again, you can continue to write in that paragraph.


        ‘Character A’ ate tofu contentedly.

        “Ah, this tastes so good! Nice and plump, extremely delicious!” <— (‘Character A’ dialogue–because ‘Character A’ has spoken, a new paragraph is created) ‘Character B’ was extremely aggrieved, and his eyes watered pitifully. (‘Character B’s action does not require a new paragraph, so I can directly continue to translate after ‘Character A’s dialogue)

        “Unlike you, ya nasty cabbage!” (<— ‘Character B’ dialogue–because a new character has spoken, a new paragraph must be started). “Let me put on my pants!” (<— Still ‘Character B’ dialogue–because the character who is speaking has not changed, a new paragraph does not need to be formed)

        I’m pretty sure it’s like this, but also yinrei hasn’t edited it yet so maybe she’ll fix it if it’s wrong. : P

    • I just finished reading this chapter, and found this comment. I had the same problem too. I got confused with the dialogues such as who’s saying this and that so I had to go back and reread the previous lines. I can be quite meticulous when it comes to grammar (although I’m not perfect myself), but it’s not really that big of a deal, I’m thankful with the translation and I can pretty much adjust. 😁✌️

  4. Thanks so much for picking this up! I was beyond ‘argh’ when it stopped as I’d gotten so invested in these characters. Total appreciation going your way! 👏👏😍