Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh35 - Progressiveness


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  1. This was a very fun chapter again! I´ll never understand the colleague who wanted to have a substitute without understanding the underlying principles. I just adore how matter-of-fact he was dealt with! And his family … I´m pretty sure that they knew something. I´m not sure what, but he has to know about the substitution from somewhere. Otherwise would they all come in front of the hotel like this? And why did they bring so many reporters? And why did Fu Li run away?

    Lmao, that one human cultivator who suggested not taking in Fu Li – just how dumb is he? xD

    Even the human cultivators wanted to take him in – he´s just made more enemies.

    And Zhuang Qing is absolutely the best with his personality! I do wonder how FL´s first day at work will go? And what kind of interaction they´ll all have?

    Thank you for the update!

    • Thanks for the comment as always and have a nice weekend ^_^

  2. Aha, so there was more than one ghost that night 🙂 fake ghost is lucky to not run into real one 🙂

    Fu Li is the best!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Lmaooo at least they understand they can easily be stepped on by Fu Li (though he might never do it lol) And omg, will our CP finally have more moments 👀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. To trade someone’s life for your own for 10 yuan is very horrible. I’m glad he didn’t succeed.

    Also, Fu Li’s “little brother” with the green hair is super cute. How didn’t he get past the test if he was able to put Fu Li’s coworker to sleep so easily.

    ” Any problem that could be resolved with money couldn’t be called a problem.” cries in broke

    Yay! Fu Li will be able to move into a better place! Didn’t they say that was one of the perks of getting hired?

    Thanks for the chapter! <3

  5. Zhuang Qing: “I fear that I won’t be able to hold him back if you anger him into beating you up.”

    What I read

    Zhuang Qing “I fear that I won’t be able to hold my wife back if you anger him into beating you up.”

    What I read in my heart lol

  6. I really like that mc is more powerful than ml. Most of the novels mainly place ml as the most powerful existent no matter what genre. Whether it be the gaming setting or cultivation, ml always seems to be the strongest in the field. Not that those novels aren’t great. But sometimes i just want to see mc being more powerful than ml hehe

  7. It’s funny how they were doing a candid camera show with a fake ghost while there was a real, very dangerous ghost just nearby 😂 (and they were obstructing Fu Li from dealing with it, luckily Ying Lu was there and knew what was up and acted very decisively…)

    The family of that security guard was very sus.