Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh34 - Processes


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Translator's Note

Also known as the Wei River. It’s the largest tributary of the Yellow River.

Translator's Note

The six arts refers to the six mandatory types of classes that ancient nobles had to take – rites/etiquette, archery, music, charioteering, calligraphy or literacy, and mathematics.

Translator's Note

In Chinese mythology, Kunlun was the name of a mythical mountain believed to be a Taoist paradise. Kunlun typically also has a strong association with various means to obtain immortality or longevity. It is often described as the dwelling place of various gods and goddesses where fabled plants and mythical creatures may also be found.

Translator's Note

In the Classic of Mountain and Seas, the mythical Kunlun Mountain was described as being in the northwest or south of the western sea. Other sources place it in the center of the earth. As human geographical knowledge advanced, Kunlun was believed to be located further and further to the west.

Translator's Note

Translates literally to green.

Translator's Note

Often understood in relation to Yang. Yin and Yang represent duality in the universe’s forces. Yin is often associated with the cold and darkness, while Yang is often associated with heat and light. Here, yin represents death/darkness.

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  1. …. I think a certain
    someone sorely misunderstood the truth of that time bcause he didn´t know any
    better xD

    Oh god, all of the
    yao from that place were like this xD

    It sounds like a
    beautiful place though? I would love to see such a scene … Also interesting how
    being worshipped by humans was a thing of pride in the past and that not being
    worshipped made someone ‘poor’. Enough so that Fu Li feels emberassed about this
    even now. Did it have any other cultural inclinations??

    Also: ‘the name will
    make our moutain appear more mysterious’ – lmao

    Zhuang Qing´s
    thoughts are off as usual xD

    It was the dragons,
    wasn´t it? Those that killed his companions? ‘seemingly containing a subtle
    race-based disllike and loathing’ just say that you dislike the dragon clan
    outright xD

    But it really is sad
    to know than all of his former coompanions had already been dead when he
    resurfaced from his slumber QAQ

    … Yeah, he was
    certainly angry and sad at that time. And I do like to think that he taught
    those dragons a very good lesson indeed! Or he didn´t because he doesn´t
    understand feelings but he stil wanted to avenge them because he may have
    thought of that a sign of respect for his dead comrades

    His past is making
    me depressed QAQ

    Eff the azure dragon
    clan!! May they never find peace and suffer for a lifetime for every life they
    senselessly ended and destroyed.

    Zhuang Qing
    beginning to feel something shifty about all of this is hilarious, as is Fu
    Li´s simple admission that he was indeed the one who´d killed them. ‘hastily
    braked to a stop at the roadside’ had me in a fit of laughter though xD

    Fu Li´s serene tone
    and bearing when he says he´s the killer is kind of frightening >.>

    Zhuang Qing, you´re
    destroying your image xD

    Lmaooo, I just love
    Fu Li so much. His descriptions are just the best xD

    ‘No shame in hitting
    them when they were down’ xD

    Now … why were they
    down in the first place? Were they injured by his companions? And he just more
    or less finished the job before reinforcements could arrive?

    His complex about
    scales and fur certainly stems from there, doesn´t it? xD

    Zhuang Qing –
    there´s no yao emperor in the first place xD

    I´m still certain
    that it´s Fu Li and that a certain someone is just too easily assured of the
    opposite! ‘someone who had a stroke of luck’, huh? I mean, it´s certainly not
    wrong, but I don´t think it´s completely right either, as luck certainly is a
    strenghth as well xD

    Still love how he
    instantly denounces his dragon lineague xD

    Pffffff, that would
    be under the assumption that said person even knows that he´s the alleged yao
    emperor. Oh my god, this is too funny, all of those theories are cracking me up

    Aww, little Fu Li
    being so excited by the amount of humans that were at his mountain as he woke
    up is cute :3

    … you´ll not regret
    the question dearie xD

    Didn´t I say so? he
    instantly had a car accident! Hahahahahaha xD

    This is getting more
    and more interesting!

    ‘legends surrounding
    the mountain broke off abruptly during a certain era’ ? I think this has a deep
    connection to Fu Li´s story >.>

    ‘already vanished or
    hidden in a location undiscoverable by the living’ – you´re thinking too much

    Of course his first
    reaction is if the gem is still save xD And only his second second question is
    to make sure xD

    Fu Li, sweetie … I
    love you and your strange brain circuits, but do have a little more trust in
    ZQ´s knowledge of geography please

    I do wonder where he
    was born though…

    ‘just a
    four-thousand-year-old stupid yao who didn´t even know the name of the mountian
    he had lived on’ – salty much? And then the comment – yeah, he´s more salty
    because of the car than the conversation, isn´t he? xD

    Fu Li, sweetie, you
    undervalue yourself. Good to know that you find that temper everything but
    charming. You´ll not think like that in the future I think xD

    Of course he just
    leaves, while a certain dragon sits brooding in his destroyed car xD

    ‘Angered into
    stupidity’ – if you want to call it as such, sure

    Don´t I know that
    public transport scene?

    The old lady is sus
    … or does she just want to protect the young lady who´s having cramps?

    ‘Only humans were
    capable of having different emotions, overcoming their biological instincts and
    accomplishing many thiings that seemed impossible’ Are you sure??

    Being a yao is
    certainly practical in regards to normal human workhours xD

    ‘Slept for too
    long’ – are you talking about your
    millenium long sleep? xD

    I like his
    relationship with his colleagues :3

    He´s finally asking
    about phones!! Why am I feeling proud of him?

    Pfffff, the Suanyu
    is making a carreer out of his bottomless appetite xD

    Oh my gosh, I love
    this little tidbit of information, it´s too funny xD

    Fu Li´s shade is
    just the best ~

    A known face is at
    the scene!

    He´s so cute though,
    so easily excited!

    Lmao, his thoughts
    are just so far off the mark xD

    People of a feather
    flock together, huh? xD

    Hahahaha, the green
    one is fast to worship Fu Li, it´s just too good xD

    ‘both of them were
    talents’ – you can certainly call it that way, yes xD

    There´s another yao
    there, isn´t there? Or a ghost. I´d like to see what they´re plotting?

    Ying Lu´s reaction
    certainly says it´s a ghost >.>

    Pffffff, the ghost
    is trying to scare someone and meets Fu Li instead. I love this man so much xD

    And just. His
    poisonous tongue is too entertaining as well xD

    Oh my god, Fu Li, I
    just love you so much, istg xD

    ‘Even ghosts have
    brains’ hahahahahahahaha

    ‘For your personal
    safety, please do not cause a disturbance on the lift’ – certainly made them
    speechless, ahahahaha

    … did that colleague
    de and not realize it yet? Or is he actually just completely drenched?

    Thank you for the
    extra chapter and have a nice week!

    • Sflr!

      That glimpse into FL’s past was so sad T.T

      ZQ and FL’s dynamics are as funny as always! I just find it funny yet strange that they can carry on a conversation with so many undertones 😅

      FL renders everyone speechless wherever he goes~ This seems to be a running theme in this novel lol.

      Thanks for the long comment! ^_^

  2. FL is still a mystery….

    Seeing humans from FL’s perspective is really interesting…..Thanks for the chapter

  3. So from the clues, we can say that Fu Li’s form is a furry domesticated animal so uhhh, a hamster? That seems to be a popular one in danmei. Oh but hamsters weren’t domesticated until like the late 1800s, hmm….

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  4. Thanks for the chapter!

    furry domesticated animal


  5. Is Fu Li a tiger? From my quick google searches just now, white tigers are associated with the mountain he lived on and they’re known as enemies of the dragons, so it would make sense.

  6. maybe FL has a bipolar disorder?

    his other personality beats up all the little vagabonds that go too far and FL wakes up and kicks them while they’re down

    I still think FL’s og form is a historic creature instead of a normal animal, seems more cool ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  7. I cannot believe every word Fu li said. I still believe that Fu li is probably innocent and oblivious ancient youkai though.

    PS: I pity television crew lol

  8. I love the little details that that drip-fed to us about Fu Li’s past, knowledge and upbringing… and how FL feels embarassed about revealing his difficulties to the younger generation, but it’s so cute and ties well to his overall character of humbleness and insisting that he’s just an ordinary yao. And the destruction of the Mist Mountain and how FL feels a bit resentful about it… and how most of his companions from a long-gone age are gone… how lonely it must’ve been 🙁 and jsut how attached he is calling himself a ‘little yao of Weishui’ and the pride he has in it.HAHAHA ZQ was so shocked he crashed into a streetlamp XD XD XD
  9. i just love his attuite to things hahaha! he doesn’t see them as lesser, he sees everything with interest!

    so he had fur? maybe a ferret? i don’t know.

    i do feel bad that he lost all his friends! QAQ