Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh33 - Where Did You Live?


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  1. I am so glad that communication level between characters is so good! The cultivators bureau people and Fu Li are really smart, they realized right away that Fu Li write about lost knowledge.

  2. I bet this’ll be the moment that Zhuang Qing remembers chapters later and realises Fu Li is the Yao Emperor

    Thank you for the translations, their interactions are adorable!

  3. Ahhh my 10 diamonds, if they were real, I’ll be rich (not as rich as Boss Fu). Even Boss Zhuang ancient books is insufficient to check those answers hehehe

    [[ merely an underaged, parentless dragon ]] had me cracking up, lol! Cannot unread or untag from Boss Zhuang’s bio now!

    Man, who’s the gong of this story? Their dynamic make it really hard to tell XD

  4. Thanks for the chapter! Generation gap, lol 😀

  5. Ooh, is Fu Li’s yao form not being revealed yet bc it looks the same as how the yao from before described the Yao Emperor? 👀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  6. So … it´s going to
    be quite fun when the others figure out that everything Fu Li wrote down is
    actually possible and has been in the past, isn´t it? And ZQ is on the best way
    to be the first! I´m proud of this disdainful one!

    I like how he takes
    his time to think a little more about this topic. His future partner is very
    impressive in more ways than one and he´ll do well to realize that early on ~


    Hahahahaha, Fu Li
    can´t help but think of ZQ as being underaged. That´s too good xD

    ‘Unable to utter
    words of rejection again’ hahahahaha

    Chu Yu is exactly

    Lmao, their
    reactions xD

    Fu Li is an
    absolute, disdainful best and I love him to pieces!

    ‘Why would we still
    cultivate’ hahahaha

    This is pure gold –
    all these parallels xD

    And their reactions!
    I knew I wouldn´t be disappointed by our man. Hahaha

    Oh my god ZQ, this
    is hurting your heart, isn´t it? xD

    ‘The effects were
    profound and significant’ – serves you right for doubting him xD

    Lmao, the
    Wuxia-addict xD

    This is too funny. I
    adore this scene so much xD

    Chu Yu, you´re
    thinking too much

    Good question Xu

    … This description
    sounds as if Fu Li is quite ugly >.>

    I mean, you already
    said he probably wasnt very pleasant looking, but I still had hope that he´s at
    elast ugly-cute

    …. I think they´ll
    be surprised again in the future >.>

    ‘Generation gap’ is
    nearly the right word xD

    Aww, those human´s
    reactions ;p

    Hahahahaha, ZQ you
    continue to dig your own grave time and time againx D

    He´s here again?

    .> I thought we´d never meet him again >.>

    Lmao, he´ll never
    underestimate our man again xD

    Hahaha, the
    generation gap´s at it again ~

    And FL thought
    process is off as usual xD

    Oh? Now he´s asking
    this question? I´m quite interested too >.>

    • Well I think you would probably still find FL cute heh~ Your opinion might change at different points throughout the story (?)

      Thanks for the comment, have a great week ahead! 🤗

  7. I just finished reading the novel up to this chapter in one sitting and loving it so far! Thank you for translating this wonderful novel and hope to see more soon. You all have worked hard!

  8. AHHH, really intrigued by Fu Li’s identity… I love how humble he is because he acknowledge that he’s powerful because everyone in the modern world is weak. And that question at the end-!

  9. It’s Fu Li hometown mountain that’s more suspicious. I bet every creature that lived there are no ordinary creature 😜