I'm Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports]Ch12 - “My family’s Gege is a bit petty, and he may not like it if someone sits behind me.”


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Translator's Note

Divi: Crates are boxes that contain item skills/clothing and things that are purely aesthetic. You can get the crates by buying them with “BP (battle points)” that you earn from playing the game.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This skirt specifically is a legendary item with only a 0.16% chance to obtain.

Translator's Note

Divi: 4 figures in yuan, so that’s about 150 usd.

It’s only worth 10 usd right now though :’)

Translator's Note

basically like “press F to pay respects”

Translator's Note

Divi: It’s more like being “selfless” in a bad way (aka they helping someone else instead of themselves/their family).

Translator's Note

Divi: In the raws, it was 100w (or 100 x 10,000) but we know that FMY only contributed 10,000 yuan worth (10 cruise ships worth 10000 points each, so that’s 100,000 points). fSqNR6

That’s why he’s also named 10,000 yuan.

Translator's Note

Divi: Definition here

Translator's Note

there’s an Asian tradition where on a child’s first birthday, the parents surround them with items, with the first item the child grabs is supposed to predict their future. For example, if they grab money, they’ll make money, if they grab a book, they’ll be a scholar, and as the meme now goes, if they grabbed a keyboard, they’ll be a keyboard warrior

Translator's Note

another way to say someone is jealous in Chinese is to say they’re chugging vinegar

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  1. I pity that younger brother ah..😂I Know what’s it’s like to have a strict elder brother…. cause I have 2 elder sisters and brother 😿😥…

    but I’m free right now because they are away for their studies 😏

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰

  2. Our Gege proving that even if our Sweetie is livestreaming he’s still richer than you! Hmp! 💗💗💗 The smile Gege made when he saw Sweetie writing and Sweetie’s smile when he saw Gege enter melts my heaaaaart~ 😳💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗