Blooming RomanceChapter 70


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  1. All the greatest people as children would stubbornly persist in a task, even if they fall again and again and again.

    …I’m definitely not making it sound so good because I was like that too

  2. Thank you for the update! I am so looking forward to the next chapter. I can’t wait to see Daddy #2 spend time with his child. 😉

  3. Hghh hopefully LYC can change so CX won’t end up with a big baby as husband 😔

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. Stupid Lin Yanchen. At least try to interact with Jiu Jiu first, Will ya?

    Thank you for the update ❤️

  5. I hope they get along and LYC gets super attached 💕 esp. since i think another one is on the way 🤔

    I wonder what would happen if his friends found him with the baby?

    Thank you for translating 💕💕💕

  6. I’ll be honest, this part of comparing love of one another on a scale and getting jealous of children will stay as a thorn in my back till the end of this novel now. My opinion of ML plumetted a lot because of this. Because I simply don’t like it and find it rather pointless to act like that. It’s not a competition and he’s your child too. How did we end up from being sorry for not being with Chu Xun during most difficult time to being jealous of his own child. As readers we know how difficult it is to raise JiuJiu, but if this ML doesn’t wake up I’ll be fairly disappointed in this story and all the potential of showing the difficulties of raising a different child, unlike many mpreg stories, where kids grow healthy and beautiful, the smartest etc. will be lost.
    • Same, I’ll remember this till the end. Ugh it sucks if he didn’t change. I’m so disappointed when I read that part, when he said that ‘he didn’t particularly like Jiu Jiu’ I was like wth??? Ah Xun risked his life to bear his baby yet he didn’t even like the baby???!!! BE A VEGETARIAN FOREVER, don’t make a baby!! he’s so irresponsible in that aspect, myghad.

    • And when you think about it, they haven’t been particularly playing it safe and contraceptive aren’t 100% guarantee to be effective on CX. What if they’ve another child. Won’t LYC dislike of his kids be doubled!

      I’ll seriously support CX if in the future he got pregnant and wants to abort!

  7. This feels so sad! LYC not liking his own son, I just want to cry😭

    If Jiu Jiu becomes unfilial son in the future, I’m seriously not gonna be mad!

  8. I honestly feel like you guys are not taking LY’s feelings and circumstances into consideration here. this is his first time falling in love, he’s still young too. it’s understandable for him to feel this way bcs:

    CX doesn’t really show his affection straightforwardly sometimes, it makes LY uncertain abt his feelings abt him, he’s already insecure from the beginning. the 2 years apart made it worse. he’s bound to think that way
    he hasn’t really come to terms with having a son. no matter what, having a child so suddenly is a hard thing to process. Heck I don’t think he has come to terms of CX being alive and well and not dead. no matter how easy he makes it out to be, imagine your supposedly dead lover that you have grieved so bad, suddenly appearing and saying they now have a child together. how would you handle that hm? plus, he missed out on a lot. CX’s pregnancy, JJ’s birth, and JJ’s growth.

    now I know some people would say that, it’s simple, just interact with the kid. no fellas it ain’t that simple, he’s still figuring things out, give him time. if CX’s can have 2 years to think of whether to contact LY, he can have time to do things with his own pace

    (now I’m not saying that he doesn’t have to interact with jj or like he doesn’t need improvements or anything. no, I’m saying that we should be easy on him, he’s having a hard time as it is)

    • You’re right, people blaming LY are narrow minded thinking everything is white and black, he’s only met the child like twice so they’re practically still a stranger even if they have the same DNA, it’s not like he was expecting his male lover to be able to get pregnant.