Blooming RomanceChapter 61


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Translator's Note

according to Wikipedia: An ivory tower is a metaphorical place—or an atmosphere—where people are happily cut off from the rest of the world in favor of their own pursuits, usually mental and esoteric ones. From the 19th century, it has been used to designate an environment of intellectual pursuit disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life. Most contemporary uses of the term refer to academia or the college and university systems in many countries

Translator's Note

demon in Buddhism

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  1. Finally we see that Chu Xun still likes our puppy. I hope he tries to be vulnerable and communicate his real feelings to the big puppy.

  2. Of course he chugs vinegar, he just needs to show it so the other one gets out of his pit of depression and insecurity.

    Communication is key!!!Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. Chu Xun, you are not allowed to be ‘OK’ anymore! Be mad, be sad, be unreasonable, just don’t force down all those feelings. You are hurting not only yourself, but also your lover! Not only your lover, but also yourself!

  4. He thought 30 is being too old to throw “temper tantrums “ 👶

    Thank you for chapter 💛🙏🏻 Be safe and stay healthy🙏🏻💛

  5. Aih Chu Xun holding on to anger is not good for your health, please talk things through with your hubby so there won’t be any misunderstanding.

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  6. The guy that he fell for before totally remind of the song moral of the story’s lyrics (Totally didn’t mean to bring that jerk up but had to say it)

    Talking with my lawyer she said “Where’d you find this guy?” I said, “Young people fall in love” “With the wrong people sometimes”

  7. Ah the most common perks within the timid people.

    We like to keep all of our angers inside and letting it bottled up.


    I hope Lin Yanchen ia prepared.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

  8. I can somewhat understand CX that he wants to be mature and is mindful of his age but then LYC is also acting according to his age…I guess in future they would interact more and have better understanding of each other. Thanks for the chapter.

  9. I feel anxious when I think about this relationship and how fragile it is!😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

    They seriously have alot to do!

  10. I’ve been halfway through in this novel but I still can’t find the cute and fluffy moments most reviews stated… (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)