Blooming RomanceChapter 62


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Translator's Note

more animalistic

Translator's Note

contrasted with being young and ambitious/risky

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  1. Someone does not appreciate the spontaneous romantic gesture. 😂

    Thank you for the update.

  2. Sometime our Mc’s is really irritating . He does not undestrand that you should say about your feelings and about what you are dissatisfied with . Keeping everything in yourself will not work.

  3. Lol poor LY he just can’t quite get it. I hope he can reconcile properly with his dad.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Hmm I also think its not a good idea for Lin Yanchen as Chu Xun is a serious person more so in work.. people like him doesnt like to mix work with relationships..

    • Eso mismo pensé, no me parece un shock la reacción a la “sorpresa ” nuestro MC es muy puntual en su trabajo, osea considerando que hablamos de negocios, es complicado y el interés amoroso es ese circulo no es bien visto.

  5. I feel tired for Lin Yanchen, Chu Xun please learn to communicate well fast.. the lack of candy made this reader sad. Go back to spreading dog food pls

    Anyway, thank you for the chapter~

  6. Yeah I knew this would happen, Ah Xun is a serious person that doesn’t like to entangled his personal matters with work. Also, Ah Xun thinks that he shoud be the mature person in their relationship but that doesn’t work well because he just bottled up his anger. Poor Ah Lin, they can’t connect with each other well.