Blooming RomanceChapter 56


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Translator's Note

a thing on WeChat(?)

Translator's Note

  A fragrant dish often made with seafood like abalone, sea cucumber and shark fin as well as other protein rich meats. It is said to have been so fragrant and tempting a meditating monk–who are usually vegetarian–was willing to jump over a wall to get a taste

Translator's Note

Sign of skill to be able to carve intricate designs onto ingredients like the wax gourd. This gourd has a Chinese dragon carved onto it! OwO

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  1. I dont know if it’s just me but I feel Chen Xun doesnt place LY as much importance as before. I feel like Yanchen is too open and seems to be the one always being the most sincere in this intimate relationship and has to lower himself. I get that he was heart broken and has reservations but he gets upset when LY doesn’t do what we wants. He has so much power over him and decides when they meet or not. Lol sorry I just love LY to bits. He deserves better. He didnt even have time with his kid, this relationship is so unbalanced 🤔

    • I think it’s because he already had bad memories about devoting himself to one person. Maybe this time he wants to be more realistic.

      For Li Yanchen, it’s because he lose Chu Xun once, so he would do his all to make sure Chu Xun never slip away again.. 😶 😶

    • I agree with you. First, Chu Xun ran away, successfully breaking Lin Yanchen’s heart. Now, he wants to retain a degree of independence in their relationship, but gets all offended that in case of emergency Lin Yanchen’s first thought wasn’t about their appointment. Double standards, much? I understand he must be scarred because of his previous lover, but, forgive me, he chose to be with that scum himself, so why does Lin Yanchen, who treats Chu Xun with wholehearted love and respect, have to suffer? This chapter doesn’t leave a pleasant aftertaste…

      Thank you very much for the translation and please forgive my rant – its’ just I don’t find grovelling MLs amusing and hope no novel goes down this route.

      • haha I don’t even CX is hung up on his ex. The reason why he rejected the marriage isn’t because he wants independence, it’s because he doesn’t want to rush a marriage without consulting the parents. He doesn’t want to break the already fragile relationship between LY and his father. Not to mention, they just got reacquainted after years of emotional drama. Gotta sit down and talk it out before anything. As for the cancellation. I mean anyone would be mad if they got cancelled on last minute?? So even if CX is hurt, he is still understanding that they are both working people with heavy responsibilities, especially LY, being he is a head honcho.
        • Although I like LY too but honestly CX has known him for barely 3months and during that time period they barely knew anything formally about each other. Although u blame CX for not giving enough in the relationship it really can’t be helped as he was not the one to fall head over heals for LY (he was just getting over his ‘ex’ at that time). Just like LY shouldnt take blame for his ex u can’t blame him for LY falling for him either. To begin with we might know what LY has gone through but how is CX supposed to know any of that.

    • I think it’s a bit stretched to say Chu Xun didn’t place Yanchen as important as before. You can’t measure their love for each other just because Chu Xun had wider considerations. Before, he had no future to think because he thought he’s gonna die but now it’s different. He has a son to think of. Although Yanchen is very open, there’s no guarantee that his feelings would stay the same. You can’t control other people’s feelings after all. It’s not that he doesn’t have faith with Yanchen, but it’s because Yanchen was still young and young people tends to be wilful and hasty with their decisions. As the older one, he had to be the one to take responsibility. If ever they came to a point where Yanchen abandoned them, while he devoted all of himself to him, where would he pick himself up, when he he still has a son who depends on him? I believe that view was explained in detail in this chapter. Chu Xun is not just thinking for himself. He’s thinking for the long term in the future. I also love LYC and I agree that he’s such a pup. But I can totally understand Chu Xun’s line of thinking as well. The life of an adult doesn’t revolve around with just love. Responsibility played a bigger role.
  2. ” He had to properly purchase a good gift, then go to their door and apologize solemnly.”

    That wouldn’t quite cut it Xiao Lin. It wasn’t just a bad impression to the parents. It was like you’ve trampled on their good intention although we (readers and Chu Xun) know that it was really due to an unforeseen circumstance. If it’s someone who doesn’t know how deep in love Yanchen is with Chu Xun , there would definitely be doubts with his sincerity and commitment. Although Chu Xun seems to be levelheaded, this kind of calm is like closing off the vulnerabilities in his heart. This should’ve been devastating for both sides. *Sigh*

    The start had me feeling elated and all excited for their meeting but ended up disappointed. The rollercoaster went real high then dived. Steeply.

    It’s a reminder how it is one thing to look at the situation from a logical perspective but it’s another story on how the it made you feel… Prompting people not to have expectations again~

    *Enters contemplative state*

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  3. XD

    I thought the author would stop trolling us… I underestimated her… XD XD XD


  4. Didn’t Li Chen thinking expansion to City Y so he could be with Chu Xun every day? Probably that’s what he’s doing.

    Thanks for update! 🤗💕👏

  5. Teacher Chu seems like a hilarious dad XD

    Lin Yanchen has to be prepared to go into a hard battle though, he had accidentally entered the Expert difficulty mode XD

    It would be nice for Chu Xun to have a little bit more confidence both in Xiao Lin’s feelings and their future. Even though there are lots of broken marriage out there, aren’t his parents still in a loving and sweet harmony? (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕 💕

  6. I will eat the food in Lin Yanchen’s stead!!

  7. Poor LYC…even though we know that this is not an excuse,his first impression is already bad…work hard LYC, we root for you. Thanks for the chapter.

  8. This chapter, LY’s health points: -20 points

    I wonder if LY will survive the last Boss xD

    He is already losing life cause of his work, I wonder if he’ll also lose life because of his status as a Young Master or will it add him some blood?

  9. I wonder if Li Yanchen’s father would find out about this [cancellation] and like grab LY and fly back with him? 🤣 that would be amazing

    I mean, i think the father was very supportive recently and he knows how LY feels.