Blooming RomanceChapter 57


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  1. Oh noooo!!!! Poor Lin Yanchen ToT

    At least that story will be a running gag 10 years later😋

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  2. His photo will be in the newspapers tomorrow to prove it X’D

    Thanks for the new chapter!!

  3. Aw… Poor LYC. Im sure they will find him innocent and papa Chu will like him

    Thanks for the chapter

  4. LY you’re so cute but things sure aren’t going well for you at this moment 😅

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Fate is playing with Lin Yanchen… Hasn’t it played enough before? 😅 Poor lovers’ tryst…

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  6. Poooooor L Y. He’s only focused getting the meeting over, so he can go to see his Babies 👶. He’s very good in business dealing, but in LOVE department, he has no clue… Because this is his first and only Love. 💞

    Thank you for update 👍👏🤗💛

  7. Oh My God!!.. please stop the twisted shocking event 😂😂 your making LY pittifull.. and on the edge disapointing his in-law.. now his supossed first and second impression are lost in front his father-in-law 😂😅😅😅

  8. Omigod the heavens really are making it as hard as possible. Poor Xiao Li, but I can’t fucking stop laughing.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Our poor MC doesn’t have the tiniest bit of luck!

  10. Tsk…tsk..tsk….

    You poor fella

    “F” Remark would be given to you by Father Chu.. Haha hahaha

    And Husband Chu you need some time to explain it to your Family.

  11. Thanks for the chapter!

    Poor bby this is not the way he wanted to meet his parents in law! It’s really funny though.

  12. How can LYC be so unlucky?? And also How can you just tell someone that he is a thief so confidently without any significant evidence?? 😂

  13. Third strike xiao lin😂

    You weren’t there when his son was pregnant
    You stood them up
    You come in the dead of the night with a disheveled appearance to still the son of the house

    Dunno what you’re gonna do now dear.😂

  14. At this point Author is straight up blackening her son, LY, for no reason whatsoever….😭

    It`s too terrible….