Blooming RomanceChapter 55


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  1. Rip Lin Yanchen

    I would really like to see him storm in and beg for Chu Xun’s hand 😋😆

    Thanks for the chapter~

  2. Father Chubis angry yet again 🤣

    Looking forward to their formal introduction~

    Thanks for the update 💕

  3. Teacher chu sure is something 🤭

    Xiao Lin better be prepared. Guess it will not be easy to make a deal with teacher chu?

  4. Face the challenge!


  5. I feel like he could have been a little more appreciative of his dad’s efforts, misguided as they were.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

  6. These misunderstandings areabsolutely hilarious. And we’ve finally (hopefully) gotten over all the angsty parts and sad times. I can’t wait until they move in together it’ll be so cute!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. I suppose papa chu doesn’t also remember about someone looking for Chu Xun back then 😅😅😅

  8. Ehh??? How dare these people look down on LY………hes like perfect in every sense, hes the one thats been wronged the most here!!! im so mad!!