Blooming RomanceChapter 45


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Translator's Note

philosophy that physical matter is the whole of reality

Translator's Note

King of Hell

Translator's Note

not supposed to sound harsh, he’s just ready for his kid to be slow-thinking bc of the developmental problems

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

it’s a saying listing the order that babies first do things

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  1. No, idiot Jun Jun. Xiao Lin is still waiting for you ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚

    Don’t forget him. Marry, marry, marry!

    Thanks for the chapter 😘

  2. Very sweet! I even felt that my teeth hurt seeing his sweetness ❣️❣️❣️

    Tysm for the great translation ❣️❣️

  3. Hope they meet soon, cause he think you dead bro.

    I wonder if he gave up after that whole….’he passed away want to look for his grave’ conversation.Thanks for the chapter.

  4. This reminded me of hiw our parents nurtured ua throughout our life. Wuwuwu. .. Always thankful to be blessed with my parents.

    Hey! Mr. Chu. You can’t forget definitely the other dad

  5. Lights a candle for the heartbroken and summarily dismissed LY.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  6. I bet 30 fics that once Chu Xun rejoins the workforce, Lin Yanchen’s team of searchers will find him again.

    Remember, Chu Xun thought he was going to die, so he methodically eliminated every way for his ex-boss and ex-crush to find him before having the romp of his life with Lin Yanchen. This was meant to keep annoying people out of his life, but it had the effect of making his lover think he actually died.

    Before, during, and after the pregnancy, Chu Xun and his parents kept his existence a secret. The only person to have discovered his whereabouts was his ex-crush, who got kicked out by the police. Either Lin Yanchen will hear directly from surnamed Ji where Chu Xun lives now, or his assistants will catch Chu Xun’s contact info when he starts looking for jobs. Those details along with the lack of new headstones saying “Chu Xun”, are the most likely ways Lin Yanchen will find Chu Xun. Or a plot twist only the translator saw coming :’)

    Thanks for the update!!!

  7. I just recalled, Father Chu was a lil teeny bit of a pig teammate! He didn’t mention to Chu Xun that he got a call from someone who knew that he was sick and is looking for him 😱 Couldn’t blame him though, his son’s situation is a bit special and complicated, aside from the fact that that it was the disaster called Ji Tianze which came knocking at their door!

    Looking forward to cutie Jiujiu~ And of course, to his dad and father’s reunion. Your poor daddy Yanchen grew white hairs now… Don’t forget him Chu Xun!

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  8. I feel so bad for Lin Yanchen.


  9. It’s about 1 year since Chu Xun left. Lin Yanchen didn’t find him already, how much more time before they are reunited?

  10. …my teacher used to say

    “A father can’t take the role of a mother”

    (I wrote some long ass sheesh here but… God I’m lazy to write again, long story short, it made me think that you can’t really pay back what your mother have given you.)

    But now that he birthed a man’s child… Huh, tho I dunno if he can breast feed tho

  11. I think I’m getting too impatient. I don’t like how the baby is growing but the parents haven’t met ahhh…

    I wanted to see them taking care of the baby together. Sighs

  12. I just hope it doesn’t become a scenario like:

    ML: T-this… You have a baby? Who’s the mother…

    MC: What if he’d think I’m a freak if I tell him You Don’t have to know.


    But I have strong faith in the MC not to do that. Please.

  13. I’m gonna go mad now. I gues it doesn’t matter if they meet anymore, be it five or ten years later. Why would they meet anyway? Who is Xiao Lin? I’m really mad ARRGGHH

  14. F**k you Chu Xun!! You even had to hide from Lin Yanhen to leave, and now you keep doubting him?!! For even how long!!! Da*n it!! I’m so angry on Lin’s behalf that I feel like puking blood ah!!! 😡😡😡😭😭😭