You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh8 - A little interesting.


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Translator's Note

literally fry what fish soup since the term for rookie concentration camp in Chinese is fishbowl

Translator's Note

the wrong Wen, 文 instead of 闻, the one in his streaming username

Translator's Note

so strong/amazing

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  1. Hahaha. They were killed so fast. Azure must redeem himself. Isn’t he a big Boss?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Momo at the end of the chap: heh, you’ve succeeded in gaining my attention cliche CEO smirk (but srsly, poor Ai Zhe… ^^;)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. A little interesting* — this is what all ML thinks or says before they begin their chase 😂

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. “Holy shit, it’s him ah!” Ai Zhe finally recalled him and instantly equipped a sniper rifle. “This revenge can’t be denied! Fuck him!”
    I love how stupidly straightforward Ai Zhe is​. What was even funnier in this chapter was how the ML totally thrashed this cute pair.
    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Thank you for giving us another gem! This one looks like it will be a lot of fun! 💖

  6. Hmm wen xi’s followers may not be experts at this game since they know him from before he switched games but what about love pigs’s followers? Will they be able to identify the real pro behind the side account? It’s their second encounter so maybe they’ve got enough clues..

  7. ML finally have an impression from MC, yay!

    Thank you for the chapters!

  8. Ai Zhe is so endearing lmaoooo I hope they become good friends tbh;;

    also that “a little interesting” LINE HAHAHHAHAHA so cliche but I love it

    Shooting vertically and managing to get a headshot is so OP….

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  9. Why do i have the feeling that Momo is that Blue wolf guy?

    • nah, i don’t think so. in the summary, it said the ml was a guy called ‘mac’ or something. it might be something else, like ‘mac’ is just a stand in, but most likely not.

  10. I so emphasise with Wen Xi’s introversion and overly conscious of his traits as a streamer. Love the direction where this is going.

  11. That last arrow shot straight into Momo’s heart💘

  12. WAHHHHHHHHHHH It’s just the appearance of the ML and I already feel like I’m reading a kissing scene lol