You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh7 - People can’t set up death flags


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Translator's Note

around 1409 usd

Translator's Note

around 705 usd

Translator's Note

stands for 啊我死了, or ah I’m dying

Translator's Note

he’s not using the right Wen, 文 instead of 闻, but verbally it’d be hard to tell, and also it’s the one in his username

Translator's Note

literally a bald monk

Translator's Note

wrong Wen again, same as his official username

Translator's Note

slang for our

Translator's Note

death flags

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  1. The number of times “sexy” was used in this chapter…. :0 But LMAO Ai Zhe really set up a good flag for himself huh xD

    Anyways, really excited to see Momo again!! Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. The male lead is here. The male lead is here!!

    Such an amazing opening scene looooool

    And Wen Xi being pampered by his director and audience lol The director is acting like a Mama🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for helping him~

    Thank you for the chapter ☺️

  3. Ai Zhe is funny… But won’t be for long. That Momo has targeted him again!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. LOL laughing so hard, I had to clap for Momo! Good shot! LOL >.> Is it wrong in hoping that they keep Juurensha trapped in the translation pit?

  5. So Wen Xi going fire a arrow and it hits ML’s in game avatar’s either left or right nipple?!

  6. Hahaha the dynamics between WX and AZ are so funny. Anticipating the gong tho!

    Thanks for the chapter.

  7. The ML just wanted more screen time and to bond with his future wifey~

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  8. Gong: “Why is this man spending more time with my baby than me?! puffs up

    also gong: “…. then i’ll just have to make that man regret it for seducing my baby flashes wicked smile

  9. If I was the director I’d do the same, God Xi is so cute! Hahaha, Ai She Seems like a real funny guy. But to think the ML would shoot him right after he said they wouldn’t be able to get a hit at that distance. Lolololol.

  10. Lol don’t worry about going the sexy route. You’re in the stupid innocent cute category and already have a steady fan base, just have to grow it with exposure. Also oooh will momo kill both of them or just azure?? Will there be consecutive matches?~

  11. The author has something to say :

    This is the gong! This is the gong! This is the gong!

    ——Important things must be said three times!

    ahhh this author has clearly read scumbag system hahahaahah

  12. Theory: momo already knows/has taken interest in wen shi and he ain’t letting anyone but him carry him.

  13. Blue Wolf / Momo : “Why little Xixi decided to team up with that pig first!? I won’t tolerate it! Azure must be dealt with rn! Hmph!”

  14. help! I can’t help but think of the sculpture lady named Momo with big round eyes and a creepy smile that reaches her ears, I’m scared to sleep now QAQ