BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh54 - Intercept And Kill


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Translator's Note

Apparently a pretty famous, old story. Pan Jinlian is, well, a femme fatale. When she was upstairs doing her makeup, she pushed open the window and the rod holding it fell on a passerby, which is Ximen Qing. Upon seeing her face, he immediately fell in love(lust) and wanted to have her. If you look up either names, you can find the basics of their story.

Translator's Note

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t snort when jingchen threw the coffee jar.
Ruru: QJC’s lettuce ability has awakened HAHAH
Katie: cackles. Lettuce-san in action~

Translator's Note

The An used here is the word dark, 暗. Qi An likely changed it to An because Jingchen’s title was the Dark Lord

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  1. AhhhhhH so coool! 😍😆 Yet petty at the same time la 🤣 you should relax more around the kid kufufufu

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤️

  2. YS and NBY can just have each other. YS is lucky to be alive after that.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. No one is trying to compete with you, Yu Shuo. Keep your trash daddy and your cowards’ base.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. by the time Qi An grows up, Nie Yi would probably be successful in making QJC his, does he need to be that careful about allowing a child close to QJC? ridiculous sap, lol