BOSS's Guide To Seeking DeathCh53 - Rest


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Translator's Note

If the father’s a lion, the son can’t be a dog. As in, if the father is very skilled, it’s impossible for the son not to be skilled as well

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  1. I don’t understand why NBY became so critical of NY after YS came…even if they didn’t have great relationship and he doesn’t approve of NY’s choices, still NY is his son after all. Why would he feel gloomy when he hears about his achievement?

    Why would a father change so much? This is already apocalypse…and you don’t even know if you will even be able to see him next time!


    Thanks for the update.

  2. No need to ask, that idiot NBY is an awful father. 😕

    He only sees what he wants to see and what benefits him. On the other hand, YS is a great asskisser and manipulator raising the idiot NBY’s ego and ruining his image of Nie Yi.The idiot NBY probably can’t accept that what he knew was wrong and his ego makes him more critical of Nie Yi’s actions. With the self-serving YS feeding his ego, he continues to create reasons for his attitude to Nie Yi… such an awful father.😑Who the 🤬 gave him the right to waltz in accusing people without knowing the situation? 😑 if Nie Yi’s troop sees this, they really will be persuaded to follow you.And who is he to keep Nie Yi’s (brainwashed) people? 😂

    Thank you for all your hard work translating this 🙏💕💕💕

  3. Qi An is going to appear soon!!! And he’s reborn too! I’m really looking forward to his confrontation with Nie Yi XD

    That Nie Boyuan… go away, please.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Thanks for the chapter! I’m assuming that these multiple rebirths may mean there is a way to end or change the apocalypse if the people reborn can figure it out. I also assume that Qi Jingchen is the key due to his darkness powers. But that NBY is just full of it, isn’t he?