Baby MommaCh14 - The Bernards

Aline and Charles Bernard were one of the most successful couples in the world.

They knew each other since they were children, and their parents knew each other as well. They’re marriage had been arranged since they were born and so they were told that they were the only people they would be marrying in the future. NeiWUc

The children didn’t understand much of it, they just knew that this person was really important to them and their family. And so with the urging of their respective families, they spent most of their time with each other.

As they grew up, they grew even closer. And it was around those ages they finally understood what their parents had told them.

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They were going to get married once they would be of age.

They didn’t have many complaints. They really did love each other. They only had each other when both their parents prioritized work and appearances instead of them. They thought that was how a family should be since it’s how both their families were. 4iRLgZ

So they strived to be successful.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Charles created Bernard Co.

Cilcf mgfjafv atf ojrtlbc wjujhlcf, Rfeagé.

Ccv fnfgsbcf kbeiv fcns remt j mbeqif, remmfrroei jcv lc ibnf.


Ktfs kbeiv fcns fnfc wbgf ktfc atfs tjv j yfjealoei ufg jr j rbc ktb ugfk eq qbqeijg jcv remmfrroei.

Ktgbeutbea atf sfjgr bo atflg wjggljuf, atflg ibnf rlwwfgfv vbkc j ilaaif.

Ktflg ibnf kjr cb ibcufg bo j teryjcv jcv klof, yea bo gfrqfma jcv mjgf bo atf qjgacfg ktb jmmbwqjclfv atfw atgbeutbea atflg ilnfr.

So they stayed together, being the perfect couple as their parents would’ve wanted them. g9bIze

But then the next step would be to arrange a partner for their son.

They would’ve arranged him with marriage when he was younger too, but the boy was so antisocial that they hesitated on picking a partner for him who may disagree because of his personality.

And that’s when they heard of Cheng Chenyi, a man who almost never interacted with anyone in public aside from work.

This kind of man who prioritized work would do well with their antisocial son. Rf5nae

They reached out to him and told them of their plans.

Cheng Chenyi gets an heir, and they get wealth and connections. It was a perfect plan, the Bernards thought.

So they agreed.

Ian would be married to Chenyi for a year before having a child, then after four years they would divorce whenever Chenyi wanted to but must not remain married so Ian can return to the family and working for Neutré. BpjIg7

What they didn’t understand was why these plans had changed.

Chenyi seemed to love Ian, and somehow the Ian they knew who always distanced himself from people also loved Chenyi. And the two loved Wenduo as well.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chenyi wants Ian to stay with him and their family.

This wasn’t the perfect plan they had. gCkthM

It was all ruined.

This Author wants to say something:

…Do not be like the Bernards— I REPEAT, DO NOT BE LIKE THE BERNARDS—


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  1. Thanks for the chapter! A few corrections to make in grammar if you don’t mind.

    They’re love was no longer of husband and wife, They’re -> their.Chenyi seemed to Ian, and somehow the Ian they knew who always distanced himself from people also loved Chenyi.Here, chenyi seemed to Ian -> chenyi seemed to love Ian.

  2. I don’t like them and never will i! Though i blamed their parents bringing them up like that… Their beliefs and values come from them.. Parents should really mind how they act around their childeren as they were the people that influenced them the most.