Falling into the AbyssCh86 - Blood-colored Forbidden City (III)


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  1. Oh lord i have never been so satisfied that i wanna cry but my eyes dry af.

    Anyways yaaasss ethan u bad bitch show em who da baddest omfg😭

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. Honestly, if Ethan killed them all I wouldn’t even feel sorry for them! They brought their demise and deserve no mercy

  3. Oh dear, he was so badass!!!!!

    The last part, ah!!!! I squealed!When Samuel asked why humans hate what is different I remembered a quote of The Red and the Black: “Well, I have lived enough to realize that difference engenders hate.” Thank you so, so, so much for the chapter!!!

  4. Finally… Took too long. I was really uncomfortable reading the 1st part of the chapter. Thanks for the release