Falling into the AbyssCh84 - Blood-colored Forbidden City (I)


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Translator's Note

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Translator's Note

I’m assuming the author wants to eat mooncakes!

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  1. I like his way of dealing with things, it starts to terrify me, but I like it.

    I’m so worried about him and his mental state, overall, everything around him is going downhill and every step he’s taking is on thin air, I’m afraid he’ll breakdown…

    I’m specially scared about something happening to Tanisiel or Tanisiel betraying Ethan, he’s literally one of the only supports able to keep Ethan afloat, if something were to happen to him…

    Thanks for the chapter ^^!!!

  2. I’m not liking where this going..

    What happened to Samuel and Schinder?

    What about Tanisiel ? Everything looks messed up… Sigh

    Why Ethan came back in the first place?!!!

    Thanks for the chap!!