Falling into the AbyssCh21 - Return to Earth (II)


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  1. Welcome back!

    I wanted to see Tanisiel being a total dom!!! Oh well, Ethan was so eager to obey 😄

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Ethan, this is what got you into trouble in the first place!! >->

    thanks for the chapter! I’m glad you’re doing better <3

  3. Samuel you need to step up your game, Tanisiel is still sus, but because he is very sexy I’ll let it go for now.

  4. Ahhhh dang it!!! Tell me what happened step by step. lmao!

    Ah seriously censorship?!?!


  5. No, they can be written. They even should be written. It’s really REALLY important for the plot. It’s one of the main plot-changing events. VERY importantb

  6. Perhaps no r18 is for the better, I haven’t seen any good bed scene in Asian novel like ever. (Enliven me if you encountered something good plz)

    It’s always some awkward or f&cked up shit when couple do it like rabbits till someone faint of exhaustion. Or usage of some random props not meant for sex to destroy poor shou’s chrysanthemum (yes The Founder of Diabolism I’m looking at you 🤣)

  7. Oh ethan you see that’s what got you into forbidden city.

    Anywaysssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhahahajdhdjsjshsjehdhejejenehdhsjwkajshejejsnwejbe