Falling into the AbyssCh22 - Return to Earth (III)


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  1. I am with Ethan in this one, the relationship with Samuel is obviously nothing more than a cover right now, and Tanisiel has been much more nicer to Ethan than Samuel so of course there’s more development with them.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Thank you for the chapter and happy new year!Guys I think despise everything Tanisiel have treated Ethan far better than Samuel, specially since there were no mutual benefits deal or fake feelings.As for Samuel, wow man it was more than once that Ethan saved his ass, so even if he is jelly , there zero reasons to pull that .

  3. Just a passerby wondering if Tanisiel will be beating the crap out of Samuel later due to hitting his marked “Omega”.

    To be honest, I’m secretly hoping for it. That was a d*** move by Samuel. Ethan did nothing to deserve that.

  4. Samuel, you said it yourself it would be a cover relationship??? a false one? if you don’t talk to Ethan that you want it real how is he supposed to know

  5. Ethan weakness is hot men. Why would he need to feel bad about Tanisiel for violated the taboo if the man himself don’t care about it.

  6. I would be confused, but Samuel is really an Omega in disguise as an Alpha. He is naturally soft-hearted. Although he is “pretending” to be Ethan’s Alpha, it is easier for him to fall for him because Ethan still protected him, so it’s a natural instinct. Poor Samuel feels betrayed. 🙁 Ethan seems dumb, didn’t he take care of his Omega mother? Why so confused?

  7. Wtf, yeah even if Tanisiel is sus as hell I can’t stand abusive behavior like Samuels. Crazy priest better be the ML

  8. Samuel this 🚩is for you. Put your itching fists to use on someone else than poor Ethan, who by the way saved your stupid life you total douche 😡🤬

  9. Bitch who the fuck-? wtf???is he so f emotional cause he is an omega or what cause…it’s been only 9-10 days right???how can you be this much possessive and you know that the realtionship between you guys are just a pretence

  10. Why are people saying Tanisiel treats Ethan well when he literally likes to see Ethan in distress kdhsjdhsjdhd what Samuel did was wrong but everything about Tanisiel is 🚩🚩