Falling into the AbyssCh20 - Return to Earth (I)


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  1. O- OwO does samuel have a thing for ethan? Also this cavin…. Who is he again jkddjkl forgive me amnesia goes brrr. Nvm i’ll just read the previous chapters.

    Thanks for the chapter btw

  2. They could be free but the d*mn fuel is not enough!!! Aaagggh. They Just survived and now they have to come back to captivity? That’s not fair!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Idk who to root for! I like Samuel tbh. His issues are pretty obvious and on the table so Ethan knows what he’s getting into.

    Tanisiel is the opposite. He’s playing a game and Ethan is just going to get caught in it. There’s not going to be any real feelings there, just possessiveness and Ethan’sM side is going to totally pretend its true love or whatever.

    I truly hope Ethan won’t be used and abused by Tanisiel, but given the fact the author has already named him a soft M, consent flies out the window. I guess I should brace myself for this book. Oh man.

  4. If I’m honest I wasn’t too sure about this when i first decided to read it.. In not sure at what point i got absorbed into it. Before i noticed im already on chapter 20.

    Thanks for translation so far.

  5. Hey i don’t ship ethan and samuel. In danmeis I’m alwyas faithful who believes in once in a life time love. So i see no tringle here

  6. I necer considered samuel as a potential ml so I’ll keep it at that. From the very moment tanisiel appeared i knew he was special. It necessarily doesn’t mean i have to love or hate him for being so sus and secretive and decisive. I love complex characters the most. So yeah i never rooted for sameul.