2013 (Doomsday)Ch25.1 - New Life (Extra)


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  1. Thanks for the chapter!

    Liu Yan and Meng Feng are like a cat and dog. MF really was and is in love with Liu Yan.

    I wonder if Li Musen is gonna turn into a zombie even when he’s not “infected”. Also, what kind of virus is this one? Jue Ming sometimes talk about aliens. Perhaps Aliens though that humans being are a waste and should be erased, so they spread the virus(?

    The most certain thing is that I’m probably high

  2. Awwww I wanna see LMS all teared into pieces by zombies.. deym.. hahaha and the lover birds now finally had the time to breathe lol to their little christmas history tho..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. Tang Yixiao and Lin Musen are alive!? I thought they were already dead. Well, Lin Musen won’t survive, so…

    Even If they build a nice home there, the zombies won’t dissapear. There still the mistery of the giants.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Elvis Presley’s Hey Jude? Really. I was fuming at that mistake, because it’s obviously song from The Beatles. But then, Elvis did make a cover of it. So, I guess that counts.