Want to Try it Out?Ch44 - My Childhood (1)

Moans filled the room as Ye Xun’s back hit against the front door with each thrust. His legs wrapped around Chang Min’s legs as Chang Min held him up. Chang Min cursed with his moans as he continued thrusting inside Ye Xun. 


His arms trembled from holding Ye Xun up, but he did not want to let him down just yet. 


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Earlier, Chang Min and Ye Xun woke up realizing that Ye Xun accidentally stayed the night without checking on Coffee and Cream. They got dressed while Chang Min walked Ye Xun to the door. But instead of it being a quick goodbye, they ended up having sex. 


Honestly, Chang Min did not know how they ended up here. 


Ye Xun bit his throat, bringing him back to reality with that move. “Fu-ah. No more marks, Ye Xun.” He looked at his throat when he woke up and saw so many marks on it. 



Licking the bite mark, Ye Xun threw his head back against the door, showing off his throat while looking coyly at Chang Min with a flustered face. “Then, mark me yourself.”


Cursing once more, Chang Min snapped. He started pounding faster and harder into Ye Xun before kissing and sucking on Ye Xun’s neck. “Ah, ye-ah!” Ye Xun screamed out as he gripped Chang Min’s shoulder, digging his nails into them. 


“Close. I am so clo-ah.” Ye Xun moaned out. 


Chang Min pulled out, grabbing both their erections as he quickly rubbed them together. It took a few pumps before they climaxed together. They were breathing hard against each other as Chang Min ignored the fluid covering his hand. 


“Shit, I need to go home.” Ye Xun let out. 


“I know.” Chang Min responded before capturing Ye Xun’s lips. Ye Xun wrapped his arms around him, kissing back as it looked like he was not going anywhere. 



Instead of going back home, Yao Zhihao made his way to Xian Bo’s house. Once he reached Xian Bo’s home, he knocked on the door. It did not take long for Xian Bo to answer the door, except they were completely naked. 

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The nakedness did not faze Yao Zhihao; he grew used to Xian Bo’s antics long ago. He pushed Xian Bo aside and stepped in, walking to the living room. “Well, make yourself at home.” Xian Bo commented.  uF6kZO


Yao Zhihao stayed quiet as he sat on the couch, picking his legs up as he wrapped his arms around them. Xian Bo walked in, sitting on the other couch as they leaned back and crossed their legs. They wanted to mess with Yao Zhihao, but seeing his mood, Xian Bo changed their mind. 


“What’s wrong with you? Did Shao Yuhan finally leave you?” Xian Bo asked.  jfXQ8r


Yao Zhihao flinched at those words, his nails digging into his skin. 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Glv tf gfjiis?” Wljc Db qertfv bcmf atfs rjk Tjb Itltjb’r oilcmt.  Ys Rco


“P cffv sbe ab yf ws atfgjqlra.” Tjb Itltjb gfrqbcvfv lcrafjv. 


Wljc Db lr j qrsmtbibulra, ktlmt wbra qfbqif kbeiv cba yfilfnf vef ab atflg qfgrbcjilas jcv tbk atfs jmafv klat qfbqif. Dea, fnfc atbeut atfs ibnf wfrrlcu klat qfbqif, atfs jirb fcpbs tfiqlcu atfw.  fBimwF


Although, starting last month, they are on a two-year break. 


“You know I am on break, right?”  Fb8Eld


“Can you do this for me? Shao Yuhan told me if I get help, we can start over. But, I don’t want any stranger. I would rather it be you than anyone else. So, please help me.” Yao Zhihao pleaded. 

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Xian Bo sighed, drumming their fingers on their couch’s arm. They thought for a while before saying, “Well, I know a bit of your family life from your brother. But, I don’t know your side or view. So, before we start, I need you to tell me about your childhood to pinpoint where the problem started and make a plan for you.”  yWLnQU


Resting his head on his knees, Yao Zhihao dug his nails more into his skin, leaving marks as he ignored the pain. Even his face started to scrunch up into a frown, “Do I have to?” 


“Do you want help or not? Or should I ask: do you want Shao Yuhan to be with you or not?”  O5T7iI


Yao Zhihao clicked his tongue, almost biting it so that he would not have to speak. But, he wanted Shao Yuhan, so he needed to do this. 


However, it took a few minutes of silence before Yao Zhihao started speaking. Through all of this, Xian Bo waited patiently with him (they still did not care that they were nude).  qyQdD3


A six-year-old Yao Zhihao carried around Little BiBi as he walked to the kitchen for food. “Little BiBi, what do you want to eat?” Silence filled the air before Yao Zhihao chuckled, “Yeah, I want that too, Little BiBi.” 


As he entered the kitchen, he saw his father leaning on the refrigerator with a cigarette in one hand and his phone in the other. The smell did not bother Yao Zhihao as he grew used to it since his parents smoked when something stressed them.  PnTwhd


“Fuck, I am tired. Yesterday, I had to stay behind because the boss wanted me to rewrite my proposal.” His father complained, looking like he was not going to move away from the fridge. 


Yao Zhihao’s stomach growled. He knew he could go to the pantry for a snack, but he wanted food from the fridge. So, he made his way towards his father and tapped him, only to get pushed down.  9A3LDu


He landed on his behind, pulling Little BiBi close in front of him so that his stuffed animal wouldn’t take any damage. His father looked down at him with a blank expression before covering his phone and bending down with a fake concern expression. 

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


“Ah, son, I apologize; I did not notice it was you. Are you okay?” His father asked.  pZdH50


He knew not to believe him. His father never liked Yao Zhihao touching him. He would barely get close to his son, and when Yao Zhihao tried to touch him, his father would either move away or push him away. Then, he would show fake concern and ask if he was okay. 


His father did not love nor care for him. At least his mother did not fake her real emotions for him as his father did.  2qNFLM


Yao Zhihao stood up, tightly holding Little BiBi, “I am fine. Little BiBi didn’t get hurt either.” 


His father sneered before it quickly disappeared like it was never there. “Yao Zhihao,” his father sweetly spoke his name, “I told you many times that your stuffed animal is not real. You should go outside and make friends.”  2WhOLu


Yao Zhihao shook his head at those words. Nobody liked him; the other kids made fun of him. Little BiBi is the only one who likes him; Little BiBi is his best friend. 


“That is not true. Little BiBi is my friend. He is the only one I need.”  2Wkz D


His father sighed, “Go to your room, son.” 


“But—”  rsZhXn


“I am not asking twice.” 

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Yao Zhihao turned around with Little BiBi, walking from the kitchen as his stomach started to growl again. He ignored the starving pains as he made his way back to his room. “Little BiBi, let’s see if we have anything in the room.”  ToQNfp


 Two days later


Sitting at the back of the classroom, Yao Zhihao set Little BiBi on the desk to look over the test he took last week. Earlier, the teacher passed back the test, showing the kids their results. Yao Zhihao had a big one hundred on his paper, causing him to smile.  8JYpRw


“Look, Little BiBi, I got a one hundred!” 


“Haha, look at the freak over there. The freak has no friends, so he talks to his stuffed animal. Ever wonder why you have no friends, freak?” A classmate taunted, causing other kids to crowd over.  DATiuq


“Oh! I know!” Another classmate shouted, raising their hand. 


“Because he is always talking to his stuffed animal and acting like it is alive. Like, are you still two?” Another classmate answered instead with laughter in their tone.  pJgkW


The leader, the one who started the taunting, laughed with the crowd before shutting them up by raising his hand. He walked over to Yao Zhihao, slamming his hand on his desk, “Got something to say, freak?” 


Yao Zhihao sat there, ignoring them while giving no emotions away. The bully grew annoyed at getting no reactionwhich was his reason for walking towards Yao Zhihao’s desk.  3Xg5 Z


“Little BiBi, do you think I can get a one hundred on the next test?” Yao Zhihao asked Little BiBi, ignoring his classmates. He heard those words so many times that nothing fazed him anymore. Plus, he only needed Little BiBi. 

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The bully clicked his tongue and decided to try another tactic to get the boy’s attention. He quickly grabbed Little BiBi, lifting the stuffed animal. “I wonder if I threw this away, would it get up and walk out the trash?” The bully teased, causing the other students to laugh.  5hq20r


Yao Zhihao sharply stood up with anger in his eyes as he reached for Little BiBi, “Give him back; you are dirtying him.” 


The bully moved Little BiBi out of reach, “Aw, are you going to cry? I think the freak is going to cry without his best friend.”  jRos Z


As the students continued to laugh, distracting the bully, Yao Zhihao launched forward, tackling the bully to the floor. They fell to the ground as Yao Zhihao tried to reach for Little BiBi once more. 


“Crazy freak.” The bully yelled, raising both his hands to keep the stuffed animal out of reach. “This is what you get for tackling me.” He grabbed Little BiBi’s arm, pulling it off with no trouble (the string around the stuffed animal’s arm was already loose).  Wi yn3


Yao Zhihao saw red as he started punching the boy, not once letting up. When blood began to appear, a few students called for the teacher. 


The teacher came, separating them before calling their parents. Yao Zhihao quickly grabbed Little BiBi and his arm, holding them close to him.  xkblQ0


It took a few minutes before both parents came. Yao Zhihao’s mother apologized and said she would pay for any medical expenses. Once they left, his mother drove them home in silence. 


When they reached the house, Yao Zhihao’s mother grabbed his arm in a tight grip, opening the front door as she threw him inside. Yao Zhihao landed with a loud grunt, tightly holding Little BiBi as he ignored his pain.  jPJyEs


“You little monster, are you trying to ruin our reputation? This is the fifth school, Yao Zhihao. The fifth school! That stuffed animal is not fucking real! What the hell is wrong with you? You are no longer going to school, no longer leaving this fucking house! You will have tutors from now on, you understand?” His mother raged. 

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Yao Zhihao looked down, nodding his head.  lQWGDw


“Good. Go to your room. I will be telling your father about this when he comes home.” 


Yao Zhihao walked away. He knew it was dumb to plead his case because his parents would say it was his fault. But it is okay. He did not need his parents anyway when he had Little BiBi. “Let me get you patched up, Little BiBi.” 7HXycB


When he turned ten, his parents decided to adopt another child. They said it was to help Yao Zhihao, but Yao Zhihao knew the boy was there because his parents wanted a “normal” child.


And at that point, Yao Zhihao’s behavior reached its breaking point. u59CJA

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